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CE 2501 - CE 3000
CE 2651 - CE 2700
CE 2651 letter, FBI to Warren Commission, July 28, 1964, regarding Ruby's polygraph exam
WCH Vol. 25 p. 931 *
CE 2652 FBI report, April l, 1964, concerning history books read by Lee Oswald
WCH Vol. 26 pp. 1-2 *
CE 2653 affidavit of Byron Phillips, March l3, 1962, taking financial responsibility for the support of Marina Oswald upon her arrival in the US
WCH Vol. 26 p. 3 *
CE 2654 US Consul Certificate, May 24, 1962, concerning documents completed in USSR by Lee Oswald
WCH Vol. 26 pp. 4-5 *
CE 2655 letter, Travelers Aid Society to Warren Commission, April 27, 1964, with enclosures regarding the Oswalds' return to the US
WCH Vol. 26 pp. 5-10 *
CE 2656 Marina Oswald's immigrant visa and alien registration, June l3, 1962
WCH Vol. 26 p. 11 *
CE 2657 HEW Department memo, June l5, 1962, concerning repatriation of LHO
WCH Vol. 26 p. 12 *
CE 2658 letter, USMC to Lee Oswald, April 2, 1962
WCH Vol. 26 p. 12 *
CE 2659 State Department memo, November 2, 1959, regarding notification of Lee Oswald about a telegram from his brother
WCH Vol. 26 p. 13 *
CE 2660 State Department memo, January 24, 1962, concerning funds for the Oswalds' trip to US
WCH Vol. 26 p. 13 *
CE 2661 Lee Oswald's application for review of discharge or separation from the US Armed Forces with attached brief, June l8, 1962
WCH Vol. 26 pp. 14-17 *
CE 2662 Marina Oswald's fingerprints, dated May 24, 1962
WCH Vol. 26 p. 18 *
CE 2663 letter, John Connally to Lee Oswald, February 23, 1962, telling Lee Oswald that his letter of January 30 has been passed to the Navy Department
WCH Vol. 26 p. 19 *
CE 2664 transmittal sheet for operations memos from American Embassy, Moscow to State Department
WCH Vol. 26 pp. 19-20 *
CE 2665 FBI reports, December 4, 1963, regarding passenger records of Lee Oswald's trip from New Orleans to France
WCH Vol. 26 pp. 21-22 *
CE 2666 State Department transmittal slip, April 3, 1961, with letters between Marguerite Oswald and the American Embassy, Moscow
WCH Vol. 26 pp. 22-24 *
CE 2667 FBI report, March 3l, 1964, concerning George and Jeanne DeMohrenschildt
WCH Vol. 26 pp. 24-25 *
CE 2668 SS memo, May 25, 1964, concerning inspection of area adjacent to Zangs and Beckley Streets
WCH Vol. 26 pp. 25-26 *
CE 2669 FBI interview, Lee Oswald by SAs B. Tom Carter and John Fain, June 26, 1962, 26 [report ends in mid-sentence]
CE 2670 memo, CIA to Warren Commission, September ll, 1964, concerning Russian hunting clubs
WCH Vol. 26 p. 27 *
CE 2671 portion of inventory of evidence in possession of FBI concerning Lee Oswald
WCH Vol. 26 p. 28 *
CE 2672 FBI interview of Vada Oswald by SAs Robert Butler and James P. Hosty, January l0, 1964
WCH Vol. 26 p. 28 *
CE 2673 FBI interview with Lewis Hopkins by SA J. Dawson Van Eps, December 3, 1963
WCH Vol. 26 p. 29 *
CE 2674 FBI interview with Frank Mijares by SA J. Dawson Van Eps, January 6, 1964
WCH Vol. 26 p. 30 *
CE 2675 SS report, February 28, 1964, concerning Billy Joe Lord, passenger with Lee Oswald on trip to France, who claimed to have no knowledge of Lee Oswald's ultimate destination
WCH Vol. 26 pp. 30-31 *
CE 2676 memo, CIA to Warren Commission, September l8, 1963, concerning Lee Oswald in Helsinki
WCH Vol. 26 p. 32 *
CE 2677 letter, CIA to Warren Commission, July l, 1964, concerning Lee Oswald's arrival in Helsinki on October l0, 1959
WCH Vol. 26 p. 32 *
CE 2678 FBI interview with Robert Fitzpatrick, S. J. by SAs Harry Degnan and John Sweeney, November 30, 1963
WCH Vol. 26 pp. 33-35 *
CE 2679 a document without pedigree concerning Lee Oswald's speaking engagement before a group of Jesuits
WCH Vol. 26 pp. 35-36 *
CE 2680 FBI report, December 5, 1963, concerning four documents from files of International Rescue Committee
WCH Vol. 26 pp. 36-39 *
CE 2681 »communications« between State Department and American Embassy, Moscow, February, 1961, concerning whereabouts and welfare of Lee Oswald
WCH Vol. 26 pp. 39-40 *
CE 2682 letter, Lee Oswald to American Embassy, Moscow, plus operations memo from Embassy to State Department, March 9, 1962, concerning Lee Oswald's loan application
WCH Vol. 26 pp. 40-41 *
CE 2683 telegrams from American Embassies in Moscow and Tokyo concerning John Pic's anxiety over Lee Oswald's attempt to renounce his citizenship
WCH Vol. 26 p. 42 *
CE 2684 telegram from American Embassy, Moscow, to Secretary of State concerning message from Robert Oswald to Lee Oswald
WCH Vol. 26 p. 43 *
CE 2685 despatch, American Embassy, Moscow, to Department of State, November 2, 1959, concerning citizenship of Lee Oswald
WCH Vol. 26 pp. 43-44 *
CE 2686 State Department Office of Security memos, March 7, 16, 19, 23, and April 4, l962 concerning citizenship of Lee Oswald
WCH Vol. 26 pp. 45-47 *
CE 2687 telegram, American Embassy, Moscow, to State Department concerning reconsideration of waiver of 243(g) sanctions for Marina Oswald
WCH Vol. 26 p. 47 *
CE 2688 letter, American Embassy, Moscow, to State Department, May 8, 1962, concerning Lee Oswald
WCH Vol. 26 p. 48 *
CE 2689 Marina Oswald's Immigrant Visa and Alien Registration, issued January 11, 1962
WCH Vol. 26 p. 48 *
CE 2690 application for Marina Oswald's Immigrant Visa and Alien Registration, May 24, 1962
WCH Vol. 26 pp. 49-52 *
CE 2691 letter, FBI to Warren Commission, September 2l, 1964, enclosing marriage certificate of Lee and Marina Oswald with translation
WCH Vol. 26 pp. 53-56 *
CE 2692 affidavit of support of Marina Oswald, executed by Lee Oswald, January l4, 1962
WCH Vol. 26 p. 57 *
CE 2693 p. 3 of FBI report of interview with Marina Oswald, 57 [begins and ends in mid-sentence]
CE 2694 document without pedigree concerning possible target practice by Lee Oswald in Dallas area
WCH Vol. 26 pp. 58-68 *
CE 2695 newspaper clipping from Dallas Times Herald, »Kennedy Virtually Invites Cuban Coup«, November l9, 1963
WCH Vol. 26 p. 69 *
CE 2696 newspaper clipping from Dallas Times Herald, »Repeat of Demonstration for JFK Visit Not Likely«, October 27, 1963
WCH Vol. 26 p. 70 *
CE 2697 editorial, Dallas Times Herald, October 27, 1963, »A Sobering Question«
WCH Vol. 26 p. 71 *
CE 2698 two articles from Dallas Morning News, October 6, 1963
WCH Vol. 26 p. 72 *
CE 2699 FBI interview with Gladys Yoakum by SAs James Ward and Robert Basham, December 5, 1963
WCH Vol. 26 p. 73 *
CE 2700 cryptic telegram, American Embassy, Moscow, to Secretary of State concerning »despatch 234« relating to Lee Oswald
WCH Vol. 26 p. 73 *

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