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CE 3001 - CE 3154
CE 3001 - CE 3050
CE 3001 FBI report, July 3l, 1964, concerning possible connection between Lee Oswald and Jack Ruby
WCH Vol. 26 pp. 515-520 *
CE 3002 autopsy report on Lee Oswald
WCH Vol. 26 pp. 520-524 *
CE 3003 FBI interview with Harry Boshes by SAs Michael Simon and William Broderick, December 4, 1963
WCH Vol. 26 p. 525 *
CE 3004 FBI interview with Bernadine Coleman by SA Donald Denny, December 9, 1963
WCH Vol. 26 p. 525 *
CE 3005 FBI interviews: Corinne Burgess, by SA Leland Lynn, November 26, 1963, Harold Swanson, by SA Henry Oliver, November 26, 1963, and Nona Gray, by SAs Harold Fabriz and John Graham, November 24, 1963
WCH Vol. 26 pp. 525-527 *
CE 3006 FBI interviews: James Watson, by SA Del Drake, December l9, 1963, Travis Kirk, by SAs William Kidwell and Gerald Norton, December l6, 1963, Sam Milkie by Paul Scott and James Weir, December 6, 1963, Douglas Leake, by SA Kenneth Jackson, December 5, 1963, and L. H. Jones, by SAs Nat Pinkston and George Carlson, November 24, 1963
WCH Vol. 26 pp. 528-531 *
CE 3007 FBI report, November 28, 1963, regarding allegations that Lee Oswald had been employed in some capacity by Jack Ruby
WCH Vol. 26 p. 531 *
CE 3008 FBI report, July 3l, 1964, regarding data provided by Jack Rubenstein, a New York union executive
WCH Vol. 26 p. 532 *
CE 3009 FBI reports of interviews conducted in Oak Cliff to attempt to find evidence of a relationship between Jack Ruby and Lee Oswald
WCH Vol. 26 pp. 533-537 *
CE 3010 collection of FBI reports dealing with possible connection between Lee Oswald and Jack Ruby
WCH Vol. 26 pp. 537-545 *
CE 3011 FBI interview with Frank Boerder by SA Manning Clements, July l5, 1964
WCH Vol. 26 p. 546 *
CE 3012 FBI report, July ll, 1964, of telephone charges for calls made by Lewis McWillie of Las Vegas from September 26-December l, 1963
WCH Vol. 26 pp. 546-547 *
CE 3013 FBI interview with Robert K. Patterson by SA John Flanagan, November 27, 1963
WCH Vol. 26 pp. 548-549 *
CE 3014 FBI interview with Mrs. Shirley Wexler, June 29, 1964
WCH Vol. 26 p. 549 *
CE 3015 FBI reports, June ll and l5, 1964, regarding George Senator on November 22-23, 1963
WCH Vol. 26 pp. 550-554 *
CE 3016 FBI interview of Cliff Roberts by SA J. A. Grimes, January l6, 1964
WCH Vol. 26 pp. 554-555 *
CE 3017 report by K. & R. Investigation Service regarding William Duff
WCH Vol. 26 pp. 555-556 *
CE 3018 FBI report concerning the manufacture of twistboards
WCH Vol. 26 pp. 556-557 *
CE 3019 FBI interview with Richard Adams by SA Earle Haley, December 9, 1963
WCH Vol. 26 p. 558 *
CE 3020 FBI interviews with Gerald Jensen and Joseph McRee by SAs Robert Basham and James Ward, December 2, 1963
WCH Vol. 26 pp. 559-560 *
CE 3021 FBI interviews of Captain W. P. Gannaway by SAs Robert Barrett, Ivan Lee, and James Bookhout, November 24, 1964
WCH Vol. 26 pp. 560-562 *
CE 3022 FBI interview with Mildred Petrillo by SAs Onnie Walker and John Medaglia, November 25, 1963
WCH Vol. 26 pp. 562-563 *
CE 3023 FBI reports, June l2 and l5, 1963, concerning interviews of employees at the Eatwell Cafe
WCH Vol. 26 pp. 564-567 *
CE 3024 FBI reports, June l5-l7, 1964, regarding the activities of George Senator from November 22-24, 1963
WCH Vol. 26 pp. 567-572 *
CE 3025 letters, Robert F. Kennedy to Earl Warren, August 4, 1963, and Earl Warren to Robert F. Kennedy, June ll, 1964
WCH Vol. 26 p. 573 *
CE 3026 letter, FBI to Warren Commission, September ll, 1964, concerning checks of FBI files for indications of Communist or subversive behavior by Eva Grant, Ralph Paul, George Senator, Breck Wall, Karen Carlin, Bruce Carlin, Harry Olsen, and Kay Coleman
WCH Vol. 26 p. 574 *
CE 3027 Warren Commission memo, September 22, 1964, regarding telephone interview of George Senator by Burt Griffin
WCH Vol. 26 p. 574 *
CE 3028 letter, FBI to Warren Commission, February l2, 1964, indicating a photo shown to Marguerite Oswald on November 23, l963 was given to the Warren Commission
WCH Vol. 26 p. 575 *
CE 3029 FBI interview with Harold Alderman by SAs John Smith and Dean Lytle, November 26, 1963
WCH Vol. 26 pp. 575-576 *
CE 3030 FBI interviews, Lt. James Oswald and Michael Oswald by SA Donald Anderson, May 2l, 1964
WCH Vol. 26 pp. 576-577 *
CE 3031 FBI report, February 25, 1964, concerning polygraph exam of Albert Bogard
WCH Vol. 26 pp. 577-578 *
CE 3032 FBI interview with Miguel Cruz by SA Robert Whomsley, November 29, 1963
WCH Vol. 26 p. 578 *
CE 3033 letter, FBI to Warren Commission, September 24, 1964, concerning communications related to possible subversive activities by Jack Ruby
WCH Vol. 26 p. 579 *
CE 3034 Warren Commission memo, September 2l, 1964, concerning examination of FBI reports of possible subversive activities by Jack Ruby or his known associates during l963
WCH Vol. 26 p. 579 *
CE 3035 letter, Roy Truly to FBI, September 23, 1964, concerning his activities on November 22, 1963
WCH Vol. 26 p. 580 *
CE 3036 FBI interview with Arturo Nava by SA Robert Chapman, November 29, 1963
WCH Vol. 26 p. 581 *
CE 3037 document without pedigree indicating Lee Oswald was unknown to sources familiar with communist activities in areas of Lee Oswald's residence
WCH Vol. 26 p. 581 *
CE 3038 Warren Commission memo, September 22, 1964, enclosing letter of January 9, 1964, indicating no subversive activity by Jack Ruby or Lee Oswald
WCH Vol. 26 p. 582 *
CE 3039 FBI interview with Westley Wise by SAs William Brookhart and George Binney, December l, 1963
WCH Vol. 26 pp. 582-585 *
CE 3040 letter, Secretary of Defense to Warren Commission, enclosing affidavit stating Lee Oswald was never an agent under the Defense Department
WCH Vol. 26 pp. 585-586 *
CE 3041 letter, John McClellan, Chairman, Senate Committee on Government Operations to Warren Commission, January 8, 1964, indicating no record of Jack Ruby or Lee Oswald
WCH Vol. 26 p. 586 *
CE 3042 FBI report of lab examination of Lee Oswald's items for possible espionage use
WCH Vol. 26 pp. 587-590 *
CE 3043 testimony of Tom Apple at trial of Jack Ruby
WCH Vol. 26 pp. 590-594 *
CE 3044 FBI interview with Tom Apple by SA James Weir, December 5, 1963
WCH Vol. 26 p. 595 *
CE 3045 letter, Warren Commission to FBI, August 28, 1964, concerning allegations made by Silvia Odio
WCH Vol. 26 pp. 595-597 *
CE 3046 FBI interview, Ivan Mundy by SA Robert Anderson, June 9, 1964
WCH Vol. 26 pp. 597-598 *
CE 3047 portion of FBI report, May l8, 1964, on activity of Lee Oswald in Mexico, September 27-October 2, 1963
WCH Vol. 26 pp. 598-599 *
CE 3048 transcript of KBOX audio reel l, item 33, November 22, 1963, which notes discovery of a Mauser rifle on the fifth floor of TSBD
WCH Vol. 26 p. 599 *
CE 3049 letter, FBI to Warren Commission, September 2l, 1964, concerning ballistics tests on shells found in and around Dallas
WCH Vol. 26 pp. 600-602 *
CE 3050 FBI report, May 5, 1964, concerning but not containing photo alleged to show Jack Ruby watching the motorcade
WCH Vol. 26 pp. 602-604 *

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