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CE 2501 - CE 3000
CE 2701 - CE 2750
CE 2701 telegram, State Department to American Embassy, Moscow, concerning Lee Oswald despatch cited in CE 2700
WCH Vol. 26 p. 74 *
CE 2702 American Embassy, Moscow, to Soviet Ministry of Foreign Affairs, May 24, 1962, regarding Marina Oswald's passport and exit visa
WCH Vol. 26 p. 75 *
CE 2703 certificate from American Embassy, Moscow, May 23, 1962, concerning missing documents needed for application for immigrant visa for Marina Oswald
WCH Vol. 26 p. 75 *
CE 2704 visa worksheet, January ll, 1962, for exit visa #47l078
WCH Vol. 26 p. 75 *
CE 2705 American Embassy, Moscow, document dated May 24, l962 regarding clinical test for Marina Oswald
WCH Vol. 26 p. 76 *
CE 2706 Dallas Times Herald, November 20, 1963, »Why Do So Many Hate the Kennedys?«
WCH Vol. 26 p. 77 *
CE 2707 photos and scale model of sixth floor of TSBD depicting locations of clipboard, rifle, and cartons at window
WCH Vol. 26 p. 78 *
CE 2708 FBI interview with Mrs. Joachim Joesten, March 5, 1964
WCH Vol. 26 p. 79 *
CE 2709 FBI report, March 2l, 1964, concerning data provided by confidential source about allegations of conspiracy made by Joachim Joesten
WCH Vol. 26 pp. 79-84 *
CE 2710 photo of armored truck in Commerce Street ramp at Dallas Police Department
WCH Vol. 26 p. 84 *
CE 2711 FBI report, December 6, 1963, regarding log of SS Marion Lykes, September l8 - October 8, 1959
WCH Vol. 26 p. 85 *
CE 2712 FBI interview with Landry Keating by SA J. Dawson Van Eps, December 5, 1963
WCH Vol. 26 p. 86 *
CE 2713 FBI report, March l6, 1964, concerning items which belonged to Lee and Marina Oswald and were provided by Robert Oswald from the home of Ruth Paine
WCH Vol. 26 pp. 86-87 *
CE 2714 letter, State Department to Warren Commission, September 24, 1964, concerning the closing time on Saturday of the Soviet Consulate in Helsinki in October, 1959
WCH Vol. 26 p. 88 *
CE 2715 telegrams, American Embassy, Moscow to Secretary of State, concerning message from Robert Oswald to Lee Oswald
WCH Vol. 26 pp. 88-89 *
CE 2716 news clipping »Fort Worth Defector Confirms Red Beliefs« by Aline Mosby, November l5, 1959
WCH Vol. 26 p. 90 *
CE 2717 Lee Oswald's November l5, l959 account of interview with Aline Mosby
WCH Vol. 26 p. 91 *
CE 2718 FBI report, April 6, 1964, concerning FBI's interest in Lee Oswald before April, 1960
WCH Vol. 26 pp. 92-99 *
CE 2719 FBI interview with AP writer A. I. Goldberg, July 3l, 1964
WCH Vol. 26 pp. 99-100 *
CE 2720 memo, CIA to Warren Commission, September l0, 1964, concerning Soviet pay scales
WCH Vol. 26 p. 101 *
CE 2721 memo, CIA to Warren Commission, September l0, 1964, concerning financial aid to foreigners in USSR
WCH Vol. 26 p. 101 *
CE 2722 memo, CIA to Warren Commission, September l0, 1964, regarding travel rights of Soviet citizens
WCH Vol. 26 p. 102 *
CE 2723 letter, FBI to Warren Commission, March l9, 1964, concerning paper bag, »Q-l0«
WCH Vol. 26 pp. 102-103 *
CE 2724 letter, FBI to Warren Commission, March 26, 1964, regarding lab report on C2766 rifle
WCH Vol. 26 pp. 103-104 *
CE 2725 letter, FBI to Warren Commission, June l6, 1964, concerning identification of three fingerprints on CE 644
WCH Vol. 26 p. 104 *
CE 2726 letter, FBI to Warren Commission, June l7, 1964, concluding that Marina Oswald signed »A. J. Hidell« on FPCC card found in Lee Oswald's wallet
WCH Vol. 26 p. 105 *
CE 2727 memo, Treasury Department to Warren Commission, September 8, 1964, concerning handwriting samples of Lee Oswald
WCH Vol. 26 p. 106 *
CE 2728 letter, FBI to Warren Commission, June ll, 1964, concerning proposed polygraph exam of Ruby
WCH Vol. 26 pp. 106-107 *
CE 2729 letter, Warren Commission to FBI, June 25, 1964, concerning proposed polygraph exam of Ruby
WCH Vol. 26 pp. 107-108 *
CE 2730 letter, FBI to Warren Commission, July l3, 1964, concernng proposed polygraph exam of Ruby
WCH Vol. 26 p. 109 *
CE 2731 FBI interview with Helen Harwell by SA Jarrell »Davi« [name obscured on report] December 6, 1963
WCH Vol. 26 p. 110 *
CE 2732 FBI interview, Opel Stinnett by SA Richard Burnett, September 4, 1964
WCH Vol. 26 p. 111 *
CE 2733 letter, CIA to Warren Commission, September l0, 1964, concerning USSR secret training locations and methods
WCH Vol. 26 p. 111 *
CE 2734 memo, American Embassy, Moscow, to American Embassy, Brussels, April 23, 1962, concerning possible waiver of 243(g) sanction against Marina Oswald
WCH Vol. 26 p. 112 *
CE 2735 memo, American Embassy, Moscow, to State Department, March 9, 1962, concerning 243(g) sanction against Marina Oswald
WCH Vol. 26 p. 112 *
CE 2736 telegram, State Department to American Embassy, Moscow, concerning Lee Oswald's repatriation loan
WCH Vol. 26 p. 113 *
CE 2737 telegram, American Embassy, Moscow to State Department concerning funds for Lee Oswald's travel to US
WCH Vol. 26 p. 113 *
CE 2738 letter, American Embassy, Moscow, and State Department concerning Lee Oswald's travel funds
WCH Vol. 26 pp. 114-115 *
CE 2739 memo, American Embassy, Moscow, to State Department, January l6, 1962, concerning passport and citizenship of Lee Oswald
WCH Vol. 26 p. 115 *
CE 2740 memo, American Embassy, Moscow, to State Department, January l6, 1962, concerning visa for Marina Oswald
WCH Vol. 26 p. 116 *
CE 2741 State Department to American Embassy, Moscow, rethinking 243(g) sanction for Marina Oswald
WCH Vol. 26 p. 116 *
CE 2742 memo, American Embassy, Moscow to State Department, January 24, 1962, concerning Lee Oswald's refusal to return to US alone
WCH Vol. 26 p. 117 *
CE 2743 memo, State Department to American Embassy, Moscow, January 26, 1962, concerning visa for Marina Oswald
WCH Vol. 26 p. 117 *
CE 2744 memo, American Embassy, Moscow, to State Department, January l6, 1962, concerning citizenship and passports of the Oswalds
WCH Vol. 26 pp. 118-120 *
CE 2745 State Department to American Embassy, Moscow, concerning visa for Marina Oswald
WCH Vol. 26 p. 121 *
CE 2746 processing papers for Marina Oswald
WCH Vol. 26 p. 121 *
CE 2747 foreign service despatch, American Embassy, Moscow, to State Department, October l3, 1961, concerning citizenship and passport(s) of Lee Oswald
WCH Vol. 26 pp. 122-123 *
CE 2748 State Department memcon, January 26, 1961, between Marguerite Oswald and the State Department regarding Lee Oswald
WCH Vol. 26 p. 124 *
CE 2749 foreign service despatch, American Embassy, Moscow, to State Department, November 2, 1959, concerning citizenship of Lee Oswald
WCH Vol. 26 p. 124 *
CE 2750 telegram, American Embassy, Moscow, to Secretary of State, regarding Lee Oswald's attempt to renounce citizenship
WCH Vol. 26 p. 126 *

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