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CE 2001 - CE 2500
CE 2201 - CE 2250
CE 2201 FBI report, December 6, 1963, listing known jobs and residences in New Orleans relating to Marguerite Oswald
WCH Vol. 25 pp. 80-81 *
CE 2202 FBI interviews in New Orleans regarding Depression-era acquaintances of the Oswald family
WCH Vol. 25 pp. 81-82 *
CE 2203 FBI interview with Vernon Kappel, principal of school attended by Lee Oswald's brothers in the l930's, by SA Claude Schlager, December 6, 1963
WCH Vol. 25 p. 83 *
CE 2204 FBI interview, Lillian Bouterie by SA Lawrence Folse, December 7, 1963
WCH Vol. 25 p. 84 *
CE 2205 FBI report regarding Marguerite Oswald's health and life insurance
WCH Vol. 25 pp. 84-86 *
CE 2206 FBI interview with Harry Bodour by SA B. Tom Carter, December ll, 1963
WCH Vol. 25 p. 87 *
CE 2207 FBI interview, Clem Sehrt by SA Regis Kennedy, December 23, 1963
WCH Vol. 25 pp. 87-88 *
CE 2208 FBI report, March 30, 1964, regarding baptisms of Marguerite Oswald's children
WCH Vol. 25 p. 88 *
CE 2209 FBI report concerning allegations by Clifford Shasteen that he cut Lee Oswald's hair
WCH Vol. 25 pp. 89-90 *
CE 2210 FBI interview, Celso Hernandez by SAs Robert Whomsley and Richard Logan, December 6, 1963
WCH Vol. 25 p. 90 *
CE 2211 SS report, December l3, 1963, with synopsis of events in Lee Oswald's life from birth until his return from the USSR, including some of Lee Oswald's report cards
WCH Vol. 25 pp. 90-96 *
CE 2212 FBI interview with W. M. Young by SA B. Tom Carter, December l6, 1963
WCH Vol. 25 p. 97 *
CE 2213 FBI report, December l3, 1963, concerning a wide variety of leftist organizations and publications, data on Lee Oswald and Michael Paine, and an indication that JFK was killed by Fidel Castro and Chinese Communists
WCH Vol. 25 pp. 97-114 *
CE 2214 three photos depicting different views from the Triple Underpass
WCH Vol. 25 p. 115 *
CE 2215 photo and draw-ings of view from Elm Street west toward Triple Underpass
WCH Vol. 25 p. 116 *
CE 2216 FBI interview with Billie Gilmore by SA John Quigley, December 4, 1963
WCH Vol. 25 p. 117 *
CE 2217 FBI interview with Mrs. A. Logan McGruder by SAs Frank Sass and Eugene Bjorn, December 2, 1963
WCH Vol. 25 p. 117 *
CE 2218 FBI interview, Mary Lou Lautenslager by SA Benjamin Keutzer, December 3, 1963
WCH Vol. 25 p. 118 *
CE 2219 FBI interview with Mrs. W. H. Bell by SA B. Tom Carter, December ll, 1963
WCH Vol. 25 p. 118 *
CE 2220 FBI interview with Mrs. Clyde Livingston by SAs Earle Haley and Richard Rabideau, June 4, 1964
WCH Vol. 25 p. 119 *
CE 2221 FBI interview with Richard Wayne Garrett by SA Earle Haley, June 5, 1964
WCH Vol. 25 p. 120 *
CE 2222 FBI interview, Mary Bockhorn by SA Michael Carrano, December l7, 1963
WCH Vol. 25 p. 120 *
CE 2223 letter, Big Brothers, Inc., to Warren Commission, enclosing l953-l954 file on Lee Oswald
WCH Vol. 25 pp. 121-123 *
CE 2224 letter, Peter Megargee to Warren Commission, May l3, 1964, with Community Service Society files on Lee Oswald
WCH Vol. 25 pp. 123-126 *
CE 2225 FBI interview, Victor Connell by SA James Ingram, December l6, 1963
WCH Vol. 25 p. 127 *
CE 2226 FBI interview with Arthur Clinton by SA James Ingram, December l6, 1963
WCH Vol. 25 pp. 127-128 *
CE 2227 FBI interview with Gerard Tujague by SAs James Schmidt and Theodore Viater, November 25, 1963
WCH Vol. 25 pp. 128-129 *
CE 2228 FBI interview with Nick Mazza by SA Merriman Diven, November 26, 1963
WCH Vol. 25 p. 129 *
CE 2229 FBI interview, Paul Fiorello by SA Joseph Englehardt, November 25, 1963
WCH Vol. 25 p. 130 *
CE 2230 FBI interview with Lionel Slater by SA Joseph Englehardt, November 24, 1963
WCH Vol. 25 p. 130 *
CE 2231 FBI interview with Mildred Sawyer by SA Myrywin Alderson, November 27, 1963
WCH Vol. 25 p. 131 *
CE 2232 FBI interview, John Neumeyer by SAs Kevin Harrigan and William Newbrough, November 27, 1963
WCH Vol. 25 p. 131 *
CE 2233 FBI interview, Peggy Zimmerman by SAs Nathan Brown and Kevin Harrigan, November 25, 1963
WCH Vol. 25 p. 132 *
CE 2234 FBI interview with Michael P. Neumeyer by SAs Kevin Harrigan and William Newbrough, November 26, 1963
WCH Vol. 25 p. 132 *
CE 2235 portion of unlabled document containing recollections of Lee Oswald's former class-mates
WCH Vol. 25 pp. 133-134 *
CE 2236 unlabled document containing recollections of Myra Darouse, Lee Oswald's junior high homeroom teacher
WCH Vol. 25 p. 135 *
CE 2237 FBI report, Feb. 28, 1964, containing records from Lee Oswald's employment at Tujague & Co.
WCH Vol. 25 pp. 135-137 *
CE 2238 FBI interview with Maury Goodman by SA John Creech, »January 29, l964«, (actual date obliterated--date cited is suggested in Exhibit contents, )
WCH Vol. 25 p. 138 *
CE 2239 FBI interviews with Mrs. James Taylor and Mrs. Edwin Enochs by SAs Robley Madland and B. Tom Carter, December l2, 1963
WCH Vol. 25 p. 139 *
CE 2240 FBI report, December l8, 1963, concerning Lee Oswald's contact(s) with the Socialist Party
WCH Vol. 25 pp. 140-141 *
CE 2241 FBI interview with Saner Davis by SA Earle Haley, January l6, 1964
WCH Vol. 25 p. 141 *
CE 2242 FBI interview with Dr. Coleman Jacobson by SAs Norman Propst and Ural Horton, November 27, 1963
WCH Vol. 25 p. 142 *
CE 2243 FBI interview, Alexander Gruber by SAs Robert Buresh and Vincent Hughes, November 25, 1963
WCH Vol. 25 p. 143 *
CE 2244 FBI interview, Lt. James Gilmore by SAs Norman Propst and Ural Horton, November 25, 1963
WCH Vol. 25 p. 144 *
CE 2245 FBI interview with William Alexander by SA Robert Basham, November 26, 1963
WCH Vol. 25 p. 145 *
CE 2246 FBI interview with Phillip Miller by SAs Raymond Lester and James Weir, November 26, 1963
WCH Vol. 25 p. 145 *
CE 2247 FBI interview with Marguerite Riegler by SA Raymond Lester, November 25, 1963
WCH Vol. 25 p. 146 *
CE 2248 FBI interview with Detective Richard Sims by SA Gaston Thompson, November 28, 1963
WCH Vol. 25 pp. 146-147 *
CE 2249 supplemental Dallas Police report, December 24, 1963, concerning events surrounding the shooting of Lee Oswald
WCH Vol. 25 pp. 147-171 *
CE 2250 FBI interview with Curtis L. Crafard by SA Theodore Kramer, November 28, 1963
WCH Vol. 25 pp. 172-175 *

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