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CE 2001 - CE 2500
CE 2101 - CE 2150
CE 2101 FBI interview, Mrs. Jeannette Hooker by SA George Binney, January 8, 1964
WCH Vol. 24 p. 533 *
CE 2102 FBI interview with T. E. Moore by SA George Binney
WCH Vol. 24 p. 534 *
CE 2103 FBI interview with Cecil Ault by SA George Binney, January 9, 1964
WCH Vol. 24 p. 534 *
CE 2104 FBI interview with Steven Wilson by SAs Richard Harrison and Allan Bray, December 30, 1963
WCH Vol. 24 p. 535 *
CE 2105 FBI interview with John Solon by SAs William Brookhart and George Binney, January 4, 1964
WCH Vol. 24 pp. 535-536 *
CE 2106 FBI interview with Samuel Paternostro by SA Arthur Carter, January 20, 1964
WCH Vol. 24 pp. 536-537 *
CE 2107 FBI interview, Ruth Thornton by SA Arthur Carter, January 20, 1964
WCH Vol. 24 p. 537 *
CE 2108 FBI interview, F. Lee Mudd by SA Donald Belmont, January 24, 1964
WCH Vol. 24 p. 538 *
CE 2109 FBI interview with Orville Nix by SA Joe Abernathy, December l, 1963
WCH Vol. 24 p. 539 *
CE 2110 FBI interview with Orville Nix by SA Joe Abernathy, January 29, 1964
WCH Vol. 24 p. 539 *
CE 2111 SS memo, February l3, 1964, including photos of concrete slab where bullet may have struck
WCH Vol. 24 p. 540 *
CE 2112 letter, Secret Service to Warren Commission, May l4, 1964, with copy of SA Glen Bennett's original notes regarding the assassination
WCH Vol. 24 pp. 541-542 *
CE 2113 map of Triple Underpass
WCH Vol. 24 p. 543 *
CE 2114 photos of highway markings near assassination site
WCH Vol. 24 p. 544 *
CE 2115 freeway convergence at Triple Underpass
WCH Vol. 24 p. 545 *
CE 2116 aerial view from 500 feet of freeway convergence at Triple Underpass
WCH Vol. 24 p. 546 *
CE 2117 aerial view of Triple Underpass
WCH Vol. 24 p. 547 *
CE 2118 view of railroad yards from tower where Lee Bowers sat on November 22, 1963
WCH Vol. 24 p. 548 *
CE 2119 FBI report, March l6, 1964, concerning procedures of Mexican Immigration Service and a list of persons who entered Mexico at Nuevo Laredo on September 26, 1963
WCH Vol. 24 pp. 549-562 *
CE 2120 letter, State Department to Warren Commission, May 28, 1964, transmitting memo from Mexican government regarding their investigation of Lee Oswald and their actions with respect to the assassination, with translation
WCH Vol. 24 pp. 562-569 *
CE 2121 FBI report, May, 18, 1964, regarding Lee Oswald's fall, 1963, trip to Mexico
WCH Vol. 24 pp. 570-659 *
CE 2122 FBI report, March l2, 1964, concerning Lee Oswald's return bus trip from Mexico City on October 3, 1963
WCH Vol. 24 pp. 659-662 *
CE 2123 letter, State Department to Warren Commission, June 23, 1964, transmitting enclosures, with translations, from Mexican government
WCH Vol. 24 pp. 663-691 *
CE 2124 FBI interview with Ruth Paine by SAs Bardwell Odum and James Hosty, November 26, 1963, giving a chronology of the time(s) when she was aware of Lee Oswald's whereabouts
WCH Vol. 24 pp. 692-695 *
CE 2125 FBI interviews with Mike Carrier and Ruth Paine by SAs Robert Stevens, Bardwell Odum, and James Hosty, February 5 and 28, 1964
WCH Vol. 24 pp. 696-697 *
CE 2126 FBI interview with Earl Anderson by SAs Milton Kaack and Robert Whomsley, December ll, 1963
WCH Vol. 24 p. 698 *
CE 2127 FBI report, May 7, 1964, concerning the luggage Lee Oswald is believed to have taken to Mexico
WCH Vol. 24 pp. 699-703 *
CE 2128 FBI interviews with Emilio Castillo and Miguel Ibarra by SA Robert Chapman, May 5, 1964
WCH Vol. 24 pp. 703-704 *
CE 2129 FBI report, April 30, 1964, concerning investigation of persons who crossed the Mexican border at specific times, »and other matters«, [ed. note: one of those »other matters« is a sighting of »Lee Oswald« in a gun shop in Ft. Worth on Friday, November l, l963]
WCH Vol. 24 pp. 704-714 *
CE 2130 FBI interview with L. H. Yarbrough by SA Bruno Dreyer, April 7, 1964
WCH Vol. 24 p. 714 *
CE 2131 FBI report, April l, 1964, concerning data from Texas and Louisiana employment agencies
WCH Vol. 24 pp. 715-717 *
CE 2132 FBI report concerning Greyhound busdrivers who may have driven Lee Oswald to Mexico
WCH Vol. 24 pp. 717-720 *
CE 2133 FBI interview, Harry Miller by SA Leopoldo Armijo, December 6, 1963
WCH Vol. 24 p. 720 *
CE 2134 FBI interviews with Elmer Bilbray and Conrad Roberts by SA Paul Lancaster, December l7, 1963
WCH Vol. 24 pp. 721-722 *
CE 2135 FBI reports, February 6 and l2, 1964, of interviews of Greyhound ticket agents and Kerrville Bus Company drivers
WCH Vol. 24 pp. 723-725 *
CE 2136 FBI report, January l4, 1964, concerning Continental Trailways and an interview with Henry Chenyworth by SA John Kelly, January 3, l964 in which subject denied having information about the assassination
WCH Vol. 24 pp. 726-728 *
CE 2137 FBI report, Jan. 6, 1964, concerning efforts to locate persons with knowledge of Lee Oswald's Mexican trip
WCH Vol. 24 pp. 729-738 *
CE 2138 FBI report, February 28, 1964, concerning efforts to locate persons with knowledge of travel by Lee Oswald in October-November l963
WCH Vol. 24 pp. 738-745 *
CE 2139 blueprint of third floor of Dallas Municipal Building
WCH Vol. 24 p. 746 *
CE 2140 intended use of rooms on third floor of Dallas Municipal Building at the time the blueprints were made
WCH Vol. 24 p. 747 *
CE 2141 transcript of WFAA-TV reel PKT-30, November 24, 1963
WCH Vol. 24 pp. 748-750 *
CE 2142 transcript of NBC-TV reels 22 and 24, November 22, 1963
WCH Vol. 24 pp. 750-753 *
CE 2143 transcript of NBC-TV reel 43, November 23, 1963
WCH Vol. 24 pp. 753-754 *
CE 2144 transcript of WFAA-TV reel PKT-l4, November 23, 1963
WCH Vol. 24 pp. 754-759 *
CE 2145 transcript of WFAA-TV reel PKT-2l, November 23, 1963
WCH Vol. 24 pp. 759-762 *
CE 2146 transcript of WFAA-TV reel PKT-l2, November 23, 1963
WCH Vol. 24 pp. 762-771 *
CE 2147 transcript of KRLD-TV reel l5, November 24, 1963
WCH Vol. 24 pp. 771-779 *
CE 2148 transcript of KRLD-TV reels 66 and 28, November 24, 1963
WCH Vol. 24 p. 780 *
CE 2149 transcript of KRLD-TV reel 39, November 24, 1963
WCH Vol. 24 pp. 780-781 *
CE 2150 transcript of KRLD-TV reel 44, November 23, 1963
WCH Vol. 24 pp. 782-785 *

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