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Warren Commission Hearings: Vol. III - Page 159« Previous | Next »

(Testimony of Howard Leslie Brennan)

Mr. Mccloy.
You testified, I believe, that you saw them directing their search towards the wrong side of the building, so to speak?
Mr. Brennan.
yes. That was my thoughts.
Mr. Mccloy.
And so that would indicate that at that time they were not blocking that particular entrance at the east side of the building, below the window that you saw the shot fired from?
Mr. Brennan.
Not according to my calculations.
Mr. Dulles.
Any other questions?
Representative Ford.
Mr. Chairman, I would suggest that perhaps in the case of Mr. Brennan and other witnesses, if a biography prepared by the individual, looked over by the staff, would not be helpful to include in the record--I don't mean a biography in great depth, but at least an outline of the individual's
background--I think it would be helpful for the record.
Mr. Dulles.
We have certain information.
Mr. Belin.
We have certain information in the record right now which we took at the very beginning of the session here this morning.
Representative Ford.
Yes, I was present. But I think it is important to have more of a background of his education, experience; and I think it is wise to have it for all of the witnesses--not in great depth, but at least a background to show some biographical information.
Mr. Belin.
Would you care to have that prepared by the witness himself, or here in the record?
Representative Ford.
I would suggest that it be prepared initially by the witness, checked over by the staff, and then mutually agreed as acceptable
through the witness, and then insert it in the record.
Mr. Dulles.
Prior to his testimony?
Representative Ford.
Mr. Belin.
Would you be willing to furnish us with some kind of an autobiographical sketch of yourself--our date and place of birth, where you went to school, your education, your jobs that you have had, and perhaps it also should include some kind of a physical description as to your approximate height and weight and what-have-you?
Mr. Brennan.
Not at all. But you sure going to be confused on my jobs, sir.
Mr. Belin.
Because you have gone from one job to another?
Mr. Brennan.
Well, I worked under the union constitution for the last 20 years, and I have worked for many a contractor.
Mr. Belin.
You mean you just work on contract, and when you are through with that particular construction job, the union would send you to another construction job?
Mr. Brennan.
Yes. Usually a contractor wants me to go to the State of Washington, like I did in California, or he wants me to go to Utah or somewhere like that.
Mr. Dulles.
I don't think we need all that detail.
Mr. Belin.
In other words, you have been a steam fitter.
Mr. Brennan.
Yes, sir.

With the exception of the possibility of 2 years I was in business in California, private business.
Mr. Mccloy.
Are you a member of a church?
Mr. Brennan.
Yes, sir.
Mr. Mccloy.
What church are you a member of?
Mr. Brennan.
Mr. Mccloy.
You testified you were a Bible reader.
Mr. Brennan.
Well, I don't read it as much as I should.
Mr. Mccloy.
When you do, you have to wear glasses?
Mr. Brennan.
Yes, sir.
Mr. Dulles.
Any other questions?
Mr. Belin.
There have been two or three other questions that have come up here, sir.
One question-- when we visited on Friday in Dallas, what is the fact as to whether or not I told you what to say or you yourself just told me what you wanted to tell me?
Mr. Brennan.
I told you--you did not instruct me what to say at all. I told
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