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Warren Commission Hearings: Vol. II - Page 35« Previous | Next »

(Testimony of Mark Resumed In Open Session Lane)

Mr. Lane.
picture, of a photograph published in the New York Times, secured by the New York Times from the Associated Press.
Representative Ford.
Is there any verification of the fact that that is as you have identified it?
Mr. Lane.
That is what--a picture secured--
Representative Ford.
From the New York Times, which in turn had acquired it from the Associated Press?
Mr. Lane.
Well, that is a statement which I have made under oath, and it can be verified with the New York Times.
Mr. Rankin.
That is Exhibit 335 that you are just referring to, Mr. Lane.
(The document referred to was marked Commission Exhibit No. 335, for identification.)
Mr. Lane.
I suggest that is the identical picture with the one published on the cover of Life magazine, Exhibit 334, in every respect. including the creases in the trousers, the background, with the exception of the rifle in the hands of Oswald, which appears to have no telescopic scope in Exhibit 335.
In addition, there clearly has been some other doctoring of the photograph around the head of Lee Harvey Oswald, and the trees and other background material over his left shoulder have been removed from the Associated Press picture, but are present in the Life magazine picture.
Shadows and fenceposts which can be observed between the legs of Lee Harvey Oswald in Exhibit 335 have been removed in the Life magazine picture. I would like to offer this picture as the next exhibit.
Mr. Rankin.
That will be marked Exhibit 336.
(The document referred to was marked Commission Exhibit No. 336 for identification.)
Mr. Rankin.
Will you tell us what that is, Mr. Lane?
Mr. Lane.
Yes; 336 is an 8 1/2-by-11 glossy photograph of a picture appearing in Newsweek magazine, March 2, 1964, credited by Newsweek magazine to the Detroit Free Press. I would suggest that that is an identical picture with the other two pictures in every respect, except that it has no telescopic sight on the rifle, and there is a great deal of metallic materials present on that rifle clearly not present in the other two pictures.
The Chairman.
Did you say metallics?
Mr. Lane.
Mr. Rankin.
Will you tell us what you mean by that, Mr. Lane?
Mr. Lane.
Yes. Just below the hand, the left hand of Lee Harvey Oswald, there is clearly visible a series of pieces of metal, allegedly part of the rifle, which are in no way clear--which are in no way present in the other pictures.
The Chairman.
I see.
Mr. Lane.
To make that clearer, I would like to offer Exhibit 337, which is an enlargement of the picture 335, the New York Times picture.
(The document referred to was marked Commission Exhibit No. 337, for identification.)
Mr. Lane.
This enlarges the area on the rifle just below what is allegedly Oswald's left hand. It clearly shows an absolute absence of all of the metallic material present in the Newsweek photo, 336.
This is a front page of the New York Journal American dated February 18. 1964, which is an identical picture with the one published in Life magazine, Exhibit 334, and the credit lines appearing on that publication indicate that the picture has been secured from the Associated Press through the Detroit Free Press.
(The document referred to was marked Commission Exhibit No. 338, for identification.)
Mr. Lane.
That picture has a telescopic sight, and is not the picture in terms of the metal material on the rifle which Newsweek stated they secured through the Detroit Free Press, and is not the picture without the telescopic sight which the New York Times states that it secured through the Associated Press. In any event, I would like to submit a picture procured from Worldwide Photos.
Mr. Rankin.
(The document referred to was marked Commission Exhibit No. 339, for identification.)
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