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Warren Commission Hearings: Vol. II - Page 238« Previous | Next »

(Testimony of Buell Wesley Frazier)

Mr. Frazier.
Right on down there, I knew where the books went so normally I didn't have to look around. I say, I was going to get through, if you are not familiar with the books and so forth it would take you a little longer to find and put them up. But if you know where they go you can put them up very quickly.
So I knew this book went in the shelf because this book we don't handle very many of them and that is where I put books you don't handle very many, put them in the shelf.
So I put the books in the shelf and turned around and put them in the elevator and come on down.
Mr. Ball.
Can I have this marked as Commission Exhibit 368, the diagram just drawn by the witness to illustrate his work on the sixth floor?
The Chairman.
It may be marked.
(The document referred to was marked Commission Exhibit No. 368, for identification.)
Mr. Ball.
I have here Commission's 163, a gray blue jacket. Do you recognize this jacket?
Mr. Frazier.
No, sir; I don't.
Mr. Ball.
Did you ever see Lee Oswald wear this jacket?
Mr. Frazier.
No, sir; I don't believe I have.
Mr. Ball.
Commission Exhibit No. 162, which can be described for the record as a gray jacket with zipper, have you seen Lee Oswald wear this jacket?
Mr. Frazier.
No, sir; I haven't.
Mr. Ball.
I have here Commission 150, which is described as sort of a rust brown shirt. Have you ever seen Lee Oswald wear this shirt? It has a hole in the sleeve near the elbow.
Mr. Frazier.
No, sir; I don't believe I have because most time I noticed when Lee had it, I say he put off his shirt and just wear a T-shirt the biggest part of the time so really what shirt he wore that day I really didn't see it or didn't pay enough attention to it whether he did have a shirt on.
Mr. Ball.
On that day you did notice one article of clothing, that is, he had a jacket?
Mr. Frazier.
Yes, sir.
Mr. Ball.
What color was the jacket?
Mr. Frazier.
It was a gray, more or less flannel, wool-looking type of jacket that I had seen him wear and that is the type of jacket he had on that morning.
Mr. Ball.
Did it have a zipper on it?
Mr. Frazier.
Yes, sir; it was one of the zipper types.
Mr. Ball.
It isn't one of these two zipper jackets we have shown?
Mr. Frazier.
No, sir.
Mr. Ball.
Do you know what kind of trousers he had on, what color?
Mr. Frazier.
Not that day, I don't remember.
Mr. Ball.
You wouldn't remember that day?
Mr. Frazier.
I had seen him wear some gray ones before.
Mr. Ball.
Here is Commission's Exhibit No. 157 which are gray trousers. Had you ever seen him wear these?
Mr. Frazier.
Yes; to be frank with you, I had seen something more or less of that order, that type of material, but so far as that, being sure that, was his pants or some of his clothes, I couldn't be sure.
Mr. Ball.
Here is Commission No. 156 which is a pair of gray trousers. Did you ever see him wear trousers of that type?
Mr. Frazier.
Not that I know of.
Mr. Ball.
You are not able to tell us then anything or are you able to tell us, describe any of the clothing he had on that day, except this gray jacket?
Mr. Frazier.
Mr. Ball.
That is the only thing you can remember?
Mr. Frazier.
Mr. Ball.
I have here a paper sack which is Commission's Exhibit 364. That gray jacket you mentioned, did it have any design in it?
Mr. Frazier.
No, sir.
Mr. Ball.
Was it light or dark gray?
Mr. Frazier.
It was light gray.
Mr. Ball.
You mentioned it was woolen.
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