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Warren Commission Hearings: Vol. XIII - Page 206« Previous | Next »

(Testimony of Karen Bennett Carlin)

Mr. Hubert.
No. 137, and the rules of procedure adopted by the Commission, in conformance with the Executive order and the joint resolution, I have been authorized to take a sworn deposition from you, Mrs. Carlin.
I state to you now that the general nature of the Commission's inquiry is to ascertain, evaluate, and report upon the facts relating to the assassination of President Kennedy and the subsequent violent death of Lee Harvey Oswald. In particular as to you, Mrs. Carlin, the nature of the inquiry today is to determine what facts you know about the death of Oswald and any other
pertinent facts you may know about the general inquiry and in greater particularity, about your conversation' by telephone and otherwise with Jack Ruby on the night of the 23d of November, on the 24th of November, and the sending of money by Western Union to you.
Now Mrs. Carlin, I know that you are expecting a baby, and that as a matter of fact the time for the baby to be born is actually past. For that reason, I want to state to you that if in the course of this deposition, which I do not think will last very long anyhow, but if in the course of you feel the slightest discomfort and wish to stop it or recess it, please don't hesitate to say so, and
we will accommodate you completely. You understand that?
Mrs. Carlin.
Mr. Hubert.
Just any time you feel you want to stop the deposition, just let us know right away.
Mrs. Carlin.
Mr. Hubert.
Now you have appeared here, I think, as a result of a letter addressed to you by Mr. J. Lee Rankin, General Counsel of the President's Commission?
Mrs. Carlin.
Mr. Hubert.
You have received that letter, I think?
Mrs. Carlin.
[Produces letter.]
Mr. Hubert.
Did you receive that letter more than 3 days ago?
Mrs. Carlin.
Mr. Hubert.
Now you need not stand, but would you raise your right hand and I will swear you in. Do you solemnly swear that the testimony you are about to give will be the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth, so help you God?
Mrs. Carlin.
I do.
Mr. Hubert.
Mr. Jackson, it may be that you have not seen that, and if you wish to have a moment to look it over----
Mr. Jackson.
Go ahead.
Mr. Hubert.
Let the record show Mr. Jackson indicates he doesn't wish to stop now.
What is your name, please, ma'am?
Mrs. Carlin.
Karen Lynn Carlin.
Mr. Hubert.
How old are you?
Mrs. Carlin.
Mr. Hubert.
Where do you live, Mrs. Carlin?
Mr. Carlin.
1312 Fairmont.
Mr. Hubert.
At present I take it you are unoccupied?
Mrs. Carlin.
Mr. Hubert.
Did you know a man by the name of Jack Ruby?
Mrs. Carlin.
Yes; I did.
Mr. Hubert.
Would you state for the record now, ma'am, how you came to know him and how long you have known him, and so forth.
Mr. Carlin.
It was through my husband that I came to know him. I was working at the Theatre Lounge as a stripper and I didn't like the job there nor the employers, so my husband had heard about the Carousel Club through girls that worked there at the Theatre Lounge, so I went over and talked to Mr. Ruby and in turn I went over and received a Job after talking to him.
Mr. Hubert.
Do you remember about when that was?
Mrs. Carlin.
Mr. Jackson.
Answer on your own.
Mrs. Carlin.
I don't know.
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