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Warren Commission Hearings: Vol. XII - Page 97« Previous | Next »

(Testimony of M. W. Stevenson)

Mr. Stevenson.
evidence being accumulated, and if I might go back a little bit now, at around 1 o'clock, on Saturday morning--I am trying to get my time straightened out here--the pertinent evidence that we had checked in the case of Oswald's shooting of the President was forwarded to the Federal Bureau of Investigation Laboratory in Washington, D.C., to be processed, the rifle and other evidence as that for fingerprints and any other evidence that might help us in the investigation.
After I had gotten back to the city hall Saturday afternoon, through discussion, I don't recall from whom, but in the hallway, that the prisoner would not be transferred before 10 o'clock the next morning.
I went to Chief Batchelor and asked him about the authenticity of that particular remark, and he said, "Yes, that's right." And I said, "Has the press been notified?" And he said, "Yes."
Mr. Hubert.
What time was it that you first heard about the fact that Oswald would not be moved Saturday night?
Mr. Stevenson.
Approximately 7:30 p.m., on the 23d.
Mr. Hubert.
Now just what was it you heard and what was it that was confirmed by Batchelor?
Mr. Stevenson.
I heard, as I stated, I don't know who made the remarks, but from the discussion in the hall, that Oswald would be moved not before 10 o'clock the next morning.
Mr. Hubert.
Did the information that you received indicate a time of removal the next day?
Mr. Stevenson.
Nothing but that it would not be before 10 o'clock.
Mr. Hubert.
It didn't say what time after 10 o'clock?
Mr. Stevenson.
No, sir.
Mr. Hubert.
Did Batchelor tell you what time it would be after 10 o'clock ?
Mr. Stevenson.
No, sir. I went to Chief Batchelor--the reason I went to Chief Batchelor with that when I heard these remarks, I wanted to know if the press had been told. I went to Chief Batchelor and affirmed the fact that the statement had been made and that the press had been. told.
Mr. Hubert.
All right; just go ahead then.
Mr. Stevenson.
I remained at my office in the Police and Courts Building until approximately 10:30 Saturday night, at which time I went home. And returned to the Police and Courts Building at approximately 8 o'clock, Sunday morning, the 24th.
Mr. Hubert.
Now before you left your duty on Saturday night, do you know of any plans that had been made for the transfer of Oswald and the security of that transfer?
Mr. Stevenson.
No, sir; not on Saturday night, to my knowledge, I don't recall.
Mr. Hubert.
All right, then, proceed to Sunday, please, sir.
Mr. Stevenson.
I arrived at the basement of the Police and Courts Building at approximately 8 o'clock. Maybe 8:15.
I believe Chief Batchelor arrived at about the same time, and Chief Carry either came in near that time or a few minutes later. Now, I don't recall.
When Chief Batchelor and I were in the basement; we observed a Captain Talbert had already started setting up security in the basement and on the streets outside.
Mr. Hubert.
Will you describe what you mean when you say he had already started setting up security ?
Mr. Stevenson.
He had placed officers on the Commerce Street side of the city hall at the top of the ramp.
There was two or three officers at that time, we observed, in the basement. And I believe Captain Talbert was in the basement, and one of the sergeants, possibly Sergeant Dean. I could be wrong on Dean being there at that time.
Mr. Hubert.
That was when you first came in?
Mr. Stevenson.
That was when we first arrived at the city hall. It was too early at that time to see just where we would want the men assigned, or where he would have them assigned, rather, because I was not assigning the men to security other than being of any assistance to the men in my division that I could possibly be. Chief Curry, Chief Batchelor, and myself looked over the basement shortly after, or I would say 8:45. Chief Curry observed a large TV
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