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Warren Commission Hearings: Vol. XII - Page 428« Previous | Next »

(Testimony of Patrick Trevore Dean)

Mr. Griffin.
Now, .did you watch how the security developed along in here; what the officers did to maintain security along here [indicating] ?
Mr. Dean.
I knew that they had just lined up. However, I didn't pay any attention particularly to this at the time. I knew that Oswald was, in all probability, going to be brought out pretty soon.
Mr. Griffin.
As you looked toward the Main Street ramp and saw the news-men re-form along there, can you recall how deep this line of newsmen was? Do you understand what I mean by how deep?
Mr. Dean.
You mean lengthwise?
Mr. Griffin.
Mr. Dean.
It was probably going to about somewhere along here. They were all trying to be within view of the [indicating].
Mr. Griffin.
Was there junta single line along there or were there four of five or six different lines; you know, four or five behind each other, or how many?
Mr. Dean.
I know there was a double line and possibly some were standing behind them,
Mr. Griffin.
Now, had you given any instructions prior to the time that Rio Pierce's car went up the ramp, to any men as to how to maintain security along this line of newsmen ?
Mr. Dean.
No, sir; I hadn't. The majority of those, I think, were detectives or plainclothesmen.
Mr. Griffin.
Do you know if anybody had responsibility for giving instructions to that group?
Mr. Dean.
To my knowledge, I don't know of anyone. I am sure that they did, but I don't know who did.
Mr. Griffin.
Did you receive instructions from anybody concerning how to maintain security along the path from the Jail office door to the car that Oswald would be loaded into?
Mr. Dean.
No, sir; at one time 'I know that there were several cameras set up .'in this area, and Chief Batchelor told them that they would have to leave this area and move to the basement area. I was present during Chief Batchelor's--or when he told these TV men to move out of that area, inside the jail office, that.-
Mr. Griffin.
TV cameras inside the jail office?
Mr. Dean.
Yes, sir; and lights set up. This was, I believe, before the search or shortly after the search. I am thinking it was shortly after the search, that these men were told to move out of this area and move their cameras and equipment out into the garage portion of the basement.
Mr. Griffin.
Now, sergeant, did there come a time when you learned that the route was being changed?
Mr. Dean.
The route to the sheriff's office?
Mr. Griffin.
Mr. Dean.
This was--I believe I received both of those instructions when I assigned those men. I had already assigned-- well, I do know that I had already assigned all these men along this traffic route, and then it had been changed. Captain Talbert said, "No; they are not going to use Main Street--or Elm Street. They are going to use Main," I believe.
Mr. Griffin.
Did you learn this after you had already sent the men out?
Mr. Dean.
No, sir.
Mr. Griffin.
Well, is there anything that makes you sure about that?
Mr. Dean.
Because I reassigned them, at the same time I briefed them, and made these other assignments. I learned that the route had been changed, and I reassigned them, at the same time.
Mr. Griffin.
Now, did you assign a man to the corner of Main and Pearl Expressway ?
Mr. Dean.
Yes; I know that I did, but I can't recall who it was. I have that information in my locker, my original assingments.
Mr. Griffin.
I take it you have a lot of notes in your locker, or you have some notes?
Mr. Dean.
Yes, sir; at a later time I will bring those to you, if you like.
Mr. Griffin.
I would very much appreciate it. Do you want to make a note
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