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Warren Commission Hearings: Vol. XII - Page 427« Previous | Next »

(Testimony of Patrick Trevore Dean)

Mr. Griffin.
Now, is my understanding correct that from the time that you placed your guards in the basement and then began the search, until Pierce's car drove up the ramp, you did not leave the basement area?
Mr. Dean.
That's right.
Mr. Griffin.
Now, as you saw Pierce's car go out of the move out of the garage area, who was in that car?
Mr. Dean.
Sergeant Maxey and Sergeant Putnam, Lieutenant Pierce was driving it. I do recall that Sergeant Putnam had. to get out of the car and tell some people to move out of the way so they could drive out.
Mr. Griffin.
Now, where did he get out of the car?
Mr. Dean.
Just as they were turning from the basement to go up the ramp, about this location [indicating].
Mr. Griffin.
Did you see him get back in the car?
Mr. Dean.
Yes, sir.
Mr. Griffin.
Where did you see him get back in the car?
Mr. Dean.
Same place.
Mr. Griffin.
So when he drove through this next line of newsmen, when the car went through this next line of newsmen, is it your recollection that Sergeant Putnam was back in the car, or did he follow the car up ahead and clear these others?
Mr. Dean.
I believe he walked on up for a few steps, not too far, and then when he did see that the way was clear he got into the car then, but he did get out of the car to clear the way for the car to move out of the basement.
Mr. Griffin.
I see. Now, did you watch him go out of the ramp up there?
Mr. Dean.
Yes, sir.
Mr. Griffin.
And did you see what. he did when he got to the top of the ramp ?
Mr. Dean.
I couldn't see to the top of the ramp. It's obscured, from where I was. I was .halfway up this ramp and I couldn't see to the top of the ramp
Mr. Griffin.
Did you watch him, though, go up until you lost sight of him.
Mr. Dean.
Yes, sir.
Mr. Griffin.
Now, during the period that you were looking toward Putnam's car, were you able to see the people behind the car in this particular--across the Main Street ramp?
Mr. Dean.
Just as a group. I mean as a group of people.
Mr. Griffin.
Did you see anybody in that group that you recognized?
Mr. Dean.
No, sir.
Mr. Griffin.
Did you see any police officers that you recognized there, other than Putnam?
Mr. Dean.
None that I paid any attention to. I mean if I had noticed them I could have probably seen someone .that I recognized.
Mr. Griffin.
Yes. Now, of course, you have known Jack Ruby for 4 or 5 years?
Mr. Dean.
I have known Jack Ruby since, I believe 19-- the early part of 1960 or the early part of 1961 It was the time that I came downtown from Oak Cliff, as a sergeant. I met him. Now, the record, or your report from the FBI says that I had known him since 1959, which is erroneous.
Mr. Griffin.
Okay. We will do that at the end of the deposition, because I want to get that straightened out. Mr. Mr. DEAN. Yes, sir.
Mr. Griffin.
But you. knew Ruby well enough so that you would recognize him on sight?
Mr. Dean.
Yes, sir.
Mr. Griffin.
And did you see Ruby in that area there?
Mr. Dean.
No, sir.
Mr. Griffin.
Now, after you lost sight of Pierce's car going up the ramp, what did you do ?
Mr. Dean.
Well, my attention was focused to this point, because this was a tense time, and I was, of course,. watching the exit here from the Jail office [indicating].
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