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Warren Commission Hearings: Vol. XII - Page 343« Previous | Next »

(Testimony of Sgt. A. Putnam James)

Mr. Hubert.
pages. I am placing my initials on the Second page. I am marking another document as follows, "Dallas, Texas, March 24th, 1964, Exhibit 5072. Deposition of J. A. Putnam." I am signing my name on that page, the exhibit being a single page exhibit. Then I am marking a four-page exhibit being a report of an interview of you made on December the 3, by Special Agents Carris and Peden of the FBI. I am marking the first page in the bottom right hand, Dallas, Tens, March 24, 1964, Exhibit 5073. Deposition of J. A. Putnam." I am signing my name on the first page below that, and putting my initials in the lower right-hand corner of the three subsequent pages on that exhibit. Have you had a chance to read these three documents that I have marked?
Sergeant PUTNAM. I thought there were two. I would like to see the second one you marked. It may be another interview by the FBI. Now, is that correct?
Mr. Hubert.
Sergeant PUTNAM. I wasn't aware that this was separate. I know I read the first one. Yes; I had missed that page. That was---
Mr. Hubert.
What I want to ask you about all three of them, as a group, if we can handle them that way, and if we can't--
Sergeant PUTNAM. I believe we can.
Mr. Hubert.
If they represent the truth, if there are any errors in any of those exhibits, if there are any omissions, do you wish to add anything, delete anything or modify anything?
Sergeant PUTNAM. No, sir; I accept them as they are.
Mr. Hubert.
All right, would you do this, then. Would you put your name below my name where it appears and your initials below my initials that appear. Now, sergeant, I have only a very few questions, I think to ask you about this, because as I read your statements they are rather complete, taking the three together. They just give about everything you know about the whole thing.
Sergeant PUTNAM. Yes, sir.
Mr. Hubert.
As I understand from this, you were in the basement area, from about 9:30 until shortly before 11:20?

Sergeant PUTNAM. Yes, sir.
Mr. Hubert.
You assisted, I think, in the searches made of the basement area?
Sergeant PUTNAM. That's correct.
Mr. Hubert.
You made some of these searches yourself?
Sergeant PUTNAM. Yes, sir.
Mr. Hubert.
Do you know Jack Ruby?
Sergeant PUTNAM. No, I--now, I
Mr. Hubert.
Well, you know him now, of course. Did you on November 24, prior to the time that Oswald was shot, did you know of the existence of a person named Jack Ruby?
Sergeant PUTNAM. I had heard the name. But so far as ever meeting him personally, I don't think that I ever had. If I did, I don't remember it from seeing his pictures.
Mr. Hubert.
That is what I wanted to ask you, on the 24th, if you had met him and had formed a sufficient impression upon your mind so that you would have recognized him at all?
Mr. Putnam.
No, sir.
Mr. Hubert.
Of course, you did see his picture and perhaps you saw him after his arrest?
Sergeant PUTNAM. I saw his picture. I have not seen him personally.
Mr. Hubert.
You didn't see him in the basement area ?
Mr. Putnam.
No, sir.
Mr. Hubert.
Do you know of anyone who did?
Sergeant PUTNAM. That saw him in the basement?
Mr. Hubert.
Sergeant PUTNAM. Prior to the shooting?
Mr. Hubert.
Mr. Putnam.
No, sir.

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