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Warren Commission Hearings: Vol. XI - Page 221« Previous | Next »

(Testimony of Pamela Mumford)

Mr. Ball.
Miss MUMFORD. Yes; and that is still my opinion.
Mr. Ball.
Did you have breakfast on that morning before you got into one of your stops? Did you have a breakfast?
Miss MUMFORD. Yes.
Mr. Ball.
Where? Did you notice the name of the place?
Miss MUMFORD. No; I don't know the name of the place. It was about 6 a.m. in the morning and we arrived in Mexico City at about 10, so it would have been about 4 hours before we arrived in the city.
Mr. Ball.
Did you eat with Oswald at that time: eat breakfast with him?
Mr. Ball.
Did he eat breakfast with anyone?
Miss MUMFORD. I don't remember at that particular stage. Earlier in the night, twice, I knew he ate alone.
Mr. Ball.
In the statement which the agent reported, the agent reported his conversation with you, and he says that, "Oswald always ate alone except for breakfast on the morning of September 27, 1963, when he ate with the English couple." Do you remember whether Oswald ate breakfast with the English couple?
Miss MUMFORD. I don't; no. Pat may have remembered that. I don't remember seeing him at all in that particular restaurant.
Mr. Ball.
Did you give this young man a nickname?
Miss MUMFORD. "Texas."
Mr. Ball.
Did you call him "Texas" to his face?
Mr. Ball.
You just called him "Texas" when you.
Miss MUMFORD. No; we wrote home from Mexico City describing the awful bus trip, with crying kids, et cetera. and happened to mention that there was a young Texan and we called him "Texas."
Mr. Ball.
But you didn't call him "Texas" to his face?
Miss MUMFORD. No, No.
Mr. Ball.
How was this boy from Texas dressed?
Miss MUMFORD. He was dressed casually. I don't remember what color trousers he had on. He had on a dark sweater. I know that. It was a wool sweater, a sort of a charcoal gray color.

When we saw him on television. being arrested or being taken down to the Dallas County jail, Patricia was the first to recognize that that was the same sweater. We were reluctant to believe this. of course, at first; that we knew this man. But she said the thinning hair on the top, the thinning, curly, wiry hair, plus the sweater that she recognized right away, and I recognized afterwards, made us almost certain that this was the same man.
Mr. Ball.
Did he have a shirt on?
Miss MUMFORD. I don't remember. In discussing this with Patricia she said that she felt he had some sort of a checked shirt on, just underneath.
Mr. Ball.
He didn't have a tie on?
Mr. Ball.
Miss MUMFORD. Open sport shirt; yes.
Mr. Ball.
And did he have on a jersey: pale-green jersey that you noticed?
Miss MUMFORD. No; not pale green.
Mr. Ball.
Now, you said he had some luggage. Did you see the luggage?
Miss MUMFORD. Yes.
Mr. Ball.
How much luggage did he have?
Miss MUMFORD. Just one medium sized--I can't remember whether it was an overnight bag or one of these pouch affairs, you know.
Mr. Ball.
Was it a zipper bag?
Miss MUMFORD. Well, I thought it was a zipper bag. I am not really certain on that point.
Mr. Ball.
What color was it?
Miss MUMFORD. I don't know.
Mr. Ball.
Did he have the bag with him in the seat, or near the seat where he was sitting?
Miss MUMFORD. Up on the railing, above him.
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