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Warren Commission Hearings: Vol. X - Page 142« Previous | Next »

(Testimony of R. L. Adams)

Mr. Adams.
a card up to Forrest Avenue or to Irving," whichever is the closest to where he lives or to Dallas West.
Or, he might say, "I have a degree in Economics," and we would say, "Good, we will give you an "0" code and send it upstairs to the professional office." So, conceivably, depending on the individual, he could have a haft a dozen cards.
In addition, if he had been job counseled, they would have a counseling record.
Fortunately, or unfortunately, the employment commission, the Texas Employment Commission, and presumably, the other 49 states, is not in position to do any checking on people. The only way we get any information, derogatory information, is either through the individual's disclosing it voluntarily, or through an employer saying, "I sent this man down for a .truth verification test, and he busted it," and then we would say, "Would you mind telling us what the information was, so that we may not use this against the individual and try to find out what his problem is and see if we can't help him with it." He might say, "No; I don't care to do that," and then we would say, "Does it involve felony or is it a matter of personality, or what?" And they might say, "There is something odd about his personality," and we would say, "Thank you."
This is the only way we get any information and, of course, it sometimes backfires unfortunately. Employers will assume mistakenly that anybody we send is as pure as the driven snow, and they may or may not be.
Mr. Jenner.
Do you think of anything else at this time that might be helpful to the Commission in this connection--what I am anxious to get is the history of this man at the Texas Employment Commission.
Mr. Adams.
Yes; I believe Mrs. Helen Cunningham counseled him. I believed she counseled Mr. Oswald.
Mr. Jenner.
Is she still employed by the Commission?
Mr. Adams.
Yes. Mr. Sayre is also her boss.
Mr. Jenner.
Maybe I can get both of them over here this afternoon and take their deposition.
Mr. Adams.
It is my personal opinion that Mrs. Marguerite Oswald is more to be pitied than censored, because if she had only taken the kid to the psychiatrist when they asked her to of course, this might still have happened, but then again it might not.
Mr. Jenner.
And, of course, in a situation like this, Mr. Adams, there are all kinds of "ifs": if somebody had done this, if only this had been done.
Mr. Adams.
Well, even the little contact that I had with him, I thought--was there something there I should have noticed and if I start letting this get on my back, I will start examining every applicant who comes in--he may be a potential fiend, "I'll have to watch you," and pretty soon I'll be talking to myself.
Mr. Jenner.
Yes; you are always subject to the accusation of being a meddler. It is pretty hard to say just where the scope of your probing should go--a reasonable amount of probing should go and where you have to hold down the gate.
Mr. Adams.
The first I knew about it was when it came out in the paper that he had been a claimant.
Mr. Jenner.
Yes; for unemployment compensation?
Mr. Adams.
Right, from this district or Fort Worth, I don't know which one exactly.
Mr. Jenner.
By the way, do you have an office over in Fort Worth?
Mr. Adams.
Mr. Jenner.
Do you have an office similar to this one, that is, that aids persons to obtain employment?
Mr. Adams.
Yes; the State is divided into districts. The Dallas district is unique in that it encompasses only Dallas County. Out in West Texas, I guess, the districts encompass maybe 20 or 30 counties.
Mr. Jenner.
But Fort Worth's district--who is the general manager there?
Mr. Adams.
I don't know, sir. I have heard his name, but I can't recall it.
Mr. Jenner.
Do you recall the telephone number?
Mr. Adams.
No, sir; I sure don't. Whenever we have dealings with them at
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