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Warren Commission Hearings: Vol. X - Page 143« Previous | Next »

(Testimony of R. L. Adams)

Mr. Adams.
my level it is simply paperwork. You send a notice to them that we have these jobs available and employers ask us to start signing out from Dallas to find--to try to find someone, we'll say, in a 50-mile radius, or in a 100-mile radius, as the case may be it's all done by paper, you see. I'm sure Mr. Sayre would know the people to contact with them.
Whenever we do uncover any derogatory information, well, anything which leads us to believe that the applicant is not--does not appear to be the type of person that we should refer, we have no way--we are precluded from making any written comment. I would just say, "See Adams before it is turned over."
Mr. Jenner.
And that means if an occasion arises to refer this man or he makes an inquiry subsequently, then anybody reading the card realizes that there might be something derogatory or at least something special, and they should come to you and talk to you about it?
Mr. Adams.
That's right; for instance, an employer will report that he thinks an individual is a sex deviate or something of that sort. Now, in the naivete of the Texas Employment Commission, I have made an entry, "Employer reports that this individual appears to have undesirable traits of character," and they say, "Oh, you can't put that in."
Mr. Jenner.
Off the record.
(At this point Counsel Jenner conversed by telephone to Mr. Sayre of the Texas Employment office.)
Mr. Jenner.
He said he turned over those records to the district office and he is going to run them down for me this afternoon and call me back.
Mr. Adams.
I remember reading the paper that on account of his having applied for unemployment compensation, he made a trip to Corpus and then to Mexico and came back--it was none of my business and I never did pursue it with the Commission, but if he had nothing to draw on, he would certainly have applied for his unemployment compensation and it would have been recorded, whether here, Corpus Christi, or Fort Worth or where--the Lord only knows--I don't know.
Mr. Jenner.
That's all that occurs to me, sir, and I appreciate your coming in and your help.
Mr. Adams.
I'm sorry I couldn't be more helpful.
Mr. Jenner.
Well, sometimes you people think you are not more helpful, to use your expression, when, as a fact you are.
Mr. Adams.
I hope so.
Mr. Jenner.
It's hard to tell from your vantage point whether you are or aren't, but the fact you appear here and tell us what you know is always helpful. I appreciate it very much.
Mr. Adams.
I know it is like the intelligence business in the service, you take all the little pieces and piece them together, and you make a picture.
Mr. Jenner.
You have a right to read your deposition and to sign it, if you see fit, and you also have the right to waive that privilege if you wish.
Mr. Adams.
I would like to see it and I will sign it.
Mr. Jenner.
We will have it ready toward the end of this week or early next week, and if you will call the U.S. attorney, Barefoot Sanders, he will know whether it is ready for you to read and sign. Thank you very much, sir.
Mr. Adams.
Thank you.


Donald E. Brooks

Testimony of Donald E. Brooks

The testimony of Donald E. Brooks was taken at 2 p.m., on April 2, 1964, in the office of the U.S. attorney, 301 Post Office Building, Bryan and Ervay Streets, Dallas, Tex., by Messrs. David W. Belin, Albert E. Jennet, Jr., and Wesley J. Liebeler, assistant counsel of the President's Commission.
Mr. Jenner.
Would you rise and be sworn, Mr. Brooks. Do you solemnly swear that the testimony you are about to give will be the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth?
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