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Warren Commission Hearings: Vol. IX - Page 116« Previous | Next »

(Testimony of Ilya A. Mamantov)

Mr. Jenner.
or interpreting about any use of the rifle by him, dry sighting, hunting, or otherwise in the United States?
Mr. Mamantov.
No, not specifically, but this rifle I'll put it this way-- about her seeing him with a weapon.
Mr. Jenner.
Any weapon?
Mr. Mamantov.
Any weapon.
Mr. Jenner.
All right, now, have you told us everything you can recall about the questions and answers and interplay up to the time the rifle was brought into the room? Is there anything else--don't be concerned about whether you think it is relative or not, anything that she said on this occasion is relevant to us.
Mr. Mamantov.
I understand and I am trying to recollect. No, I remember--I think I said everything I could remember.
Mr. Jenner.
You have now exhausted your recollection as to everything that was said at least in substance, and to the extent of the recall of each of the particulars up to this moment, that is to the moment when the gun was brought into the room?
Mr. Mamantov.
That's correct.
Mr. Jenner.
By the way, was there a court reporter present?
Mr. Mamantov.
If I remember right, the detective took down.
Mr. Jenner.
Made notes?
Mr. Mamantov.
Made some notes, and which were read to her.
Mr. Jenner.
Eventually--that is, at the conclusion of the examination he summarized his notes in her presence?
Mr. Mamantov.
No, he read word by word, I translated back. He didn't write in shorthand, but he wrote it, I remember very well--Mrs. Paine tried to correct his English and, of course, minor mistakes. I probably wouldn't write the same way--you don't expect every policeman to write the same English, and which the question was whether "I" or "me"--that's the mistake it was.
Mr. Jenner.
Now, when that summary was given by the officer in the presence of Marina, did she affirm that it was at least in substance correct?
Mr. Mamantov.
She signed it.
Mr. Jenner.
Did you seek to correct anything in the statement read to Marina by the officer, that is, did you call attention to anything you thought had been left out or anything that had not been fairly stated?
Mr. Mamantov.
No, they read back to her, I translated back into Russian and she agreed. Only, there was Mrs. Paine--Mrs. Paine made a remark about the grammar.
Mr. Jenner.
Now, I think--let's go ahead--the weapon is brought in.
Mr. Mamantov.
All right.
Mr. Jenner.
It is fully assembled?
Mr. Mamantov.
It is fully assembled.
Mr. Jenner.
It has a telescopic sight on it and the leather sling?
Mr. Mamantov.
Captain Fritz brought it in and was holding it in his two hands, with two or three fingers, not to touch gun around--in that position (indicating).
Mr. Jenner.
Holding it up--holding it like that (indicating)?

Mr. MAMANTOV. More or less--you see--inclined in that position.
Mr. Jenner.
Holding it up horizontally or close to the horizontal?
Mr. Mamantov.
That's correct, and it was brought close enough to her to examine. She was specifically asked if this was the gun she had seen in the past in that blanket. She said, "I don't know. All guns to me are the same, are a dark brown or black."
He asked her again--"This," which was to me very dark or black colored. He said, "Is this what you see?" She said, "No, I don't know. I saw the gun--I saw a gun ;" she said again, "All guns are the same to me." Then they asked her about a sight on the gun.
Mr. Jenner.
S-i-g-h-t [spelling]
Mr. Mamantov.
Yes; a telescope she said, "No; I never have seen gun like that in his possession," and she referred back again to the Soviet Union.
Mr. Jenner.
What did she say to you--is this a conclusion on your part that she referred back to the Soviet Union
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