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Warren Commission Hearings: Vol. IX - Page 101« Previous | Next »

(Testimony of Gary E. Taylor)

Mr. Jenner.
Yes; I asked you about her. Who is Nancy Tilton?
Mr. Taylor.
Nancy Tilton is the cousin who brought up my former wife, Alex, after she was born. Her mother never took her from the hospital. This Mrs. Tilton did. And on a visit to Mrs. Tilton's home, the people----
Mr. Jenner.
Mrs. Tilton reared her?
Mr. Taylor.
Yes; to age 14. On a visit to Mrs. Tilton's home----
Mr. Jenner.
Where is that?
Mr. Taylor.
In Tubac, Ariz. Uh--Mrs. Tilton remarked that some friends of hers, the people in question in Guatemala, had found them living in their home----
Mr. Jenner.
Had found the De Mohrenschildts there?
Mr. Taylor.
Yes, living in their home in Guatemala and had forcefully evicted them from it.
Mr. Jenner.
That the Tiltons had forcefully evicted the De Mohrenschildts from the Tilton home in Guatemala?
Mr. Taylor.
No; it isn't the Tiltons' home in Guatemala. It was a friend of the Tiltons. I don't remember their names.
Mr. Jenner.
Well, who was evicted? The De Mohrenschildts or the people who owned the house?
Mr. Taylor.
The De Mohrenschildts were evicted when the people who owned it returned.
Mr. Jenner.
In other words, you gather from that that they had not had advance permission to occupy that home?
Mr. Taylor.
That's right. They had not had advance permission and had occupied it for a period of about 3 weeks--as best the people who evicted them could determine from what was eaten and--
Mr. Jenner.
In other words, they were trespassing?
Mr. Taylor.
That's right.
(Off the record discussion follows.)
Mr. Jenner.
You are basing your comment with respect to the De Mohrenschildts' possible involvement, if there was any involvement by anyone else with Oswald which you have already stated and you are stating the reasons why. And you have related the walking trip down through Mexico to the tip of South America. This was at the time of the training of Cuban refugees for a possible invasion of Cuba. And it was during the period of time in which you were married to the De Mohrenschildts' daughter?
Mr. Taylor.
That's correct.
Mr. Jenner.
And now you have made a remark that we didn't quite get. What was that?
Mr. Taylor.
Are you speaking of what I said off the record?
Mr. Jenner.
Mr. Taylor.
I summed it up by saying that--uh--there was an indication here that they had been in an area where some spying or information-gathering might be valuable to Communist interests. They had expressed a desire to live in a Communist country; and that they had traveled extensively through Communist countries.
Mr. Jenner.
What countries?
Mr. Taylor.
Poland and Hungary--no; I'm sorry. Poland and Czechoslovakia. And Mr. De Mohrenschildt told me one time that he had met Marshal Tito.
Mr. Jenner.
In Yugoslavia?
Mr. Taylor.
Mr. Jenner.
And did they make any trips to Europe during the period that you were married to their daughter?
Mr. Taylor.
No; they did not. These trips were prior to our marriage. However, I had seen photographs and had some pointed out to me in the family album--photographs of them in various Communist countries.
Mr. Jenner.
I see. Where does your former wife, Alexandra, now live if you know?
Mr. Taylor.
In Wingdale, N.Y.
Mr. Jenner.
Is she married?
Mr. Taylor.
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