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Warren Commission Hearings: Vol. VIII - Page 26« Previous | Next »

(Testimony of Mrs. Bennierita Smith)

Mr. Liebeler.
What kind of neighborhood was it? What kind of a district was it that Beauregard drew its students from back in 1954, and 1955?
Mrs. Smith.
Well, it's a nice neighborhood, it still is today.
Mr. Liebeler.
Has it changed much since then?
Mrs. Smith.
No; I don't think so.
Mr. Liebeler.
Would you say that it draws from an upper-middle class or middle-class neighborhood?
Mrs. Smith.
Middle-class neighborhood.
Mr. Liebeler.
You don't have any idea where Lee Oswald lived during the time that he went to Beauregard, do you?
Mrs. Smith.
No; sir.
Mr. Liebeler.
Did you ever know that he lived in Exchange Alley?
Mrs. Smith.
No, sir; not until I seen it in the paper.
Mr. Liebeler.
Off the record a minute.
(Discussion Off the record)
Mr. Liebeler.
You said that after you graduated from Beauregard Junior High School you went to Warren Easton High School? Is that correct?
Mrs. Smite.
Yes, sir.
Mr. Liebeler.
Now does Warren Easton High School also draw from a particular district, or is that operated on a different principle than Beauregard?
Mrs. Smith.
That draws from a district too.
Mr. Liebeler.
And that district included the district encompassed by Beauregard Junior High School?
Mrs. Smith.
Yes; and also, well, around Easton.
Mr. Liebeler.
It includes other districts aside from the Beauregard Junior High School District, does it not?
Mrs. Smith.
Well, all the kids that went to Beauregard automatically went to Easton, of course, unless they moved out of the district, but it drew kids that lived around Easton too. I mean the district widened, it got larger like from Beauregard to Easton, you know.
Mr. Liebeler.
Did you know that Lee Oswald attended Warren Easton High School?
Mrs. Smith.
I can remember seeing him there. My girl friends didn't, but I remembered seeing him, you know, walking down the hall or walking outside of school.
Mr. Liebeler.
But nothing else?
Mrs. Smith.
But as far as recalling anything about him at Warren Easton other than that, I don't.
Mr. Liebeler.
There wasn't any event that he was involved in that stands out in your mind?
Mrs. Smith.
No, sir.
Mr. Liebeler.
Do you remember when you saw Lee Oswald at Warren Easton? Was it immediately after you started Warren Easton after graduating from Beauregard Junior High School?
Mrs. Smith.
Yes; it was' right after we had started at Warren Easton.
Mr. Liebeler.
You yourself did graduate from Warren Easton, did you not?
Mrs. Smith.
Yes, sir.
Mr. Liebeler.
You actually attended Warren Easton for three years? Is that right?
Mrs. Smith.
Yes, sir; I did.
Mr. Liebeler.
Do you remember seeing Lee Oswald over a long period of time at Warren Easton, or was it just for a part?
Mrs. Smith.
No; just--I may have Just seen him once or twice at the beginning of the school year.
Mr. Liebeler.
Did Warren Easton students come from pretty much the same kind of family background or the same kind of economic and social background as the people who went to Beauregard Junior High School?
Mrs. Smith.
I think so, but there were a few kids--well, boys--that were-----
Mr. Liebeler.
Of a somewhat rougher nature, shall we say?
Mrs. Smith.
Yes; I wouldn't want to say hoodlums, but they were, you know.
Mr. Liebeler.
There were people from a different class or different group of society?
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