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Warren Commission Hearings: Vol. VIII - Page 189« Previous | Next »

(Testimony of John M. Murret)

Mr. Liebeler.
Thank you. We want to inquire of you briefly this morning concerning your contact with Lee Oswald while he was here in New Orleans during the summer of 1963. Before we get into the details of that, however, will you state your full name for the record.
Mr. Murret.
My full name is John Martial Murret.
Mr. Liebeler.
Where do you live?
Mr. Murret.
6622 Louis XIV Street, New Orleans, La.
Mr. Liebeler.
Are you employed?
Mr. Murret.
Yes, sir.
Mr. Liebeler.
By whom?
Mr. Murret.
E. R. Squibb and Sons.
Mr. Liebeler.
How long have you worked for them?
Mr. Murret.
Approximately 4 years.
Mr. Liebeler.
What do you do for them?
Mr. Murret.
I am a pharmaceutical sales representative.
Mr. Liebeler.
Am I correct in understanding that you are Lee Harvey Oswald's cousin?
Mr. Murret.
Yes, sir.
Mr. Liebeler.
You are a brother to Marilyn Murret and the son of Mr. and Mrs. Charles Ferdinand Murret?
Mr. Murret.
Mr. Liebeler.
Mr. Charles Murret is also known as Dutz Murret, is he not, D-u-t-z?
Mr. Murret.
Yes, sir.
Mr. Liebeler.
Were you born here in New Orleans?
Mr. Murret.
Yes, sir.
Mr. Liebeler.
And you obtained your primary and secondary education here in the New Orleans school system?
Mr. Murret.
Yes, sir.
Mr. Liebeler.
Where did you go to school?
Mr. Murret.
Holy Rosary primary and St. Aloysius High School and St. Louis University and Loyola University.
Mr. Liebeler.
Do you hold a degree from Loyola University?
Mr. Murret.
Yes, sir.
Mr. Liebeler.
A Bachelor's Degree?
Mr. Murret.
A Bachelor's Degree.
Mr. Liebeler.
What did you major in?
Mr. Murret.
Secondary education, minor in chemistry.
Mr. Liebeler.
Did you have occasion to see Lee Oswald during the summer of 1963?
Mr. Murret.
Yes, sir.
Mr. Liebeler.
Would you tell us about that, starting with the first time you saw him. Tell us the circumstances under which you met him, the conversations that you had. Tell us about the various times that you did see him during the summer of 1963, what you did during that period of time, as far as Oswald is concerned.
Mr. Murret.
Well, actually there was not too much contact that I did have with him. Since I did live in the house and did- -
Mr. Liebeler.
At 757 French Street?
Mr. Murret.
757 French Street. The first contact I think I had with him, we ordinarily--sometimes when I am working in that particular neighborhood, I would come home for lunch, and he was there at this particular occasion with his little bag and so forth.
Mr. Liebeler.
Now can you tell me approximately when that was?
Mr. Murret.
Tell you the truth, I can't recall, but as you mentioned, you know, during the summer. Evidently it was during the summer. I am not too sure.
Mr. Liebeler.
Would it have been some time in May perhaps of 1963, or can't you---
Mr. Murret.
I can't recall. I could have recalled then, but I am kind of confused now on it.
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