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Warren Commission Hearings: Vol. VIII - Page 140« Previous | Next »

(Testimony of Mrs. Lillian Murret Resumed)

Mr. Jenner.
A woman never picks up a package in the presence of your husband?
Mrs. Murret.
That's right, he always does it. So anyway, we brought Lee up to the apartment, and he was so happy about the place. He thought it was a most beautiful place, and we thought it was nice too, but after they got everything out of the car, we just left.
Mr. Jenner.
Did you see them taking things out of the car and bringing them into the apartment?
Mrs. Murret.
Yes; but we didn't help them.
Mr. Jenner.
Was your husband helping to unload the car?
Mrs. Murret.
Oh, yes; he was taking the things out himself.
Mr. Jenner.
You saw him doing that?
Mrs. Murret.
Oh, yes; they had a lot of locker space in that apartment, and Lee was putting everything in this one big locker, I think.
Mr. Jenner.
Did your husband have any luggage?
Mrs. Murret.
Mr. Jenner.
Mrs. Murret.
Yes; I think he had some suitcases.
Mr. Jenner.
He had some suitcases?
Mrs. Murret.
Yes; they looked like Marina's suitcase, for one, because he didn't come into my house with any suitcase. Like I said, he just had that little bag with him. In fact, he only had maybe two pairs of socks and two T-shirts, and two pairs of pants, and nothing else.
Mr. Jenner.
But you did see a suitcase or more than one suitcase in the garage; is that right?
Mrs. Murret.
I think I did. I think he did have a suitcase in the garage, and maybe two; yes, sir. I seem to remember those.
Mr. Jenner.
Do you have a ready recollection of that?
Mrs. Murret.
Yes; I do. I think, if I remember right, that I saw two suitcases there, and that they were very nice suitcases.
Mr. Jenner.
Of ordinary size, would you say?
Mrs. Murret.
I think they were of ordinary size; yes, sir.
Mr. Jenner.
Regular suitcases with the handle in the center?
Mrs. Murret.
Mr. Jenner.
Would you say they were straight sided and oblong rather than square?
Mrs. Murret.
Yes; just ordinary regular clothing suitcases.
Mr. Jenner.
About 28 inches long?
Mrs. Murret.
Mr. Jenner.
But you didn't see any long package?
Mrs. Murret.
No; I didn't.
Mr. Jenner.
By long, I mean something in the neighborhood of 45 inches long, or something like that.
Mrs. Murret.
No; I didn't see anything like that. The only reason I noticed these suitcases was because my washing machine was in the garage, and I had to go out there to wash, to do my washing, and those suitcases were standing up, sitting right next to one another, and there were boxes, a bunch of stuff.
Mr. Jenner.
There were two suitcases, as far as you know?
Mrs. Murret.
As far as I know; yes.
Mr. Jenner.
Could there have been three?
Mrs. Murret.
There could have been. There could have been four; I don't know.
Mr. Jenner.
But your immediate recollection is that there were two?
Mrs. Murret.
Yes; that's right. There were at least two suitcases.
Mr. Jenner.
But you didn't notice any wrapped package, any brown butcher paper, or regular delicatessen store paper?
Mrs. Murret.
No; I didn't see anything like that. Like I said, though, when they put his things in the car, I was inside the house.
Mr. Jenner.
Did your boy do any hunting?
Mrs. Murret.
My boys?
Mr. Jenner.
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