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Warren Commission Hearings: Vol. VII - Page 139« Previous | Next »

(Testimony of Robert Studebaker Lee)

Mr. Ball.
By "lifting the prints," you mean it stands out?
Mr. Studebaker.
Raising the print up, raising the invisible print which is a latent print and it will raise the moisture out of the paper that it is pressed on. It takes 7 pounds of pressure to leave a latent fingerprint and the moisture in your fingers, in the pores of your skin, is what leaves the print on the paper, but it is invisible until you put your powder on there and then it raises it.
Mr. Ball.
Now, on this day when you went to the Texas School Book Depository Building, did you go directly to some particular floor?
Mr. Studebaker.
We went to the entrance and they said it was on the sixth floor and we went directly to the sixth floor.
Mr. Ball.
Then, were you directed to some place on the sixth floor, as soon as you arrived there?
Mr. Studebaker.
No; they hadn't found anything when we got there.
Mr. Ball.
After you were there a little while, did somebody find something?
Mr. Studebaker.
They They found the empty hulls in the southeast corner of the building---they found three empty hulls and we went over there and took photographs of that.
Mr. Ball.
Do you have that photograph with you?
Mr. Studebaker.
Mr. Ball.
Could I see it, please?
Mr. Studebaker.
Now, I took two of the photographs and Lieutenant Day took two. We took double shots on each one. These are the ones I took myself--these pictures. There's the two pictures that I took. This one was right before anything was moved. There is a hull here, a hull here, and a hull over here.
Mr. Ball.
Now, this picture you have Just identified as the picture you took, we will mark it as Exhibit "A" in your deposition.
Mr. Studebaker.
Yes, sir.
(Instrument referred to marked by the reporter as "Studebaker Exhibit A," for identification.)
Mr. Studebaker.
Yes, sir; now, on this negative right down here in the bottom corner of this negative, there is another hull---you can just barely see the tip of it right here, and when this picture was printed, the exposure of the printing left this out, but I have one---I didn't know this was like that, but I have another one that shows this hull this way.
You see these boxes all right stacked up here, and you couldn't get over here to take another picture in that way, without getting up on everything and messing everything up. This is exact before anything was ever moved or picked up.
There are just two different views there. You probably got one or two recopies. We printed a bunch of them.
Mr. Ball.
Is this the same picture?
Mr. Studebaker.
That's the same picture, only you don't have it there either.
Mr. Ball.
It doesn't show it?
Mr. Studebaker.
It doesn't show the third hull laying beside this box.
Mr. Ball.
We have a picture which shows the three hulls, which is Exhibit A, and a picture showing the two hulls, will be marked "Exhibit B."
(Instrument referred to marked by the reporter as "Studebaker Exhibit B," for identification.)
Mr. Studebaker.
The first pictures was shots on the southeast facing west, and this one here is facing east.
Mr. Ball.
In other words, Exhibit A was filmed from the east, with the camera facing west?
Mr. Studebaker.
Yes, sir.
Mr. Ball.
And Exhibit B is what?
Mr. Studebaker.
Facing east.
Mr. Ball.
You are facing east?
Mr. Studebaker.
We have a jacket we made up that has all of those pictures numbered in there, and I believe he made an explanation on every one of those.
Mr. Ball.
We will identify your Exhibit A as your No. 20 and your Exhibit B as your No. 19. Now, what other pictures did you take?
Mr. Studebaker.
Of the rifle?
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