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(Testimony of Dr. Charles Francis Gregory)
May I say to you, Dr. Gregory, that the purpose of the Commission is to investigate all facets relating to the assassination, including the wounding of President Kennedy, and the wounding of Governor Connally, and we have asked you to appear here for the purpose of testifying concerning your treatment of Governor Connally. Our rules specify that we make a brief statement of the purpose of the Commission, and the purpose of our calling on you. Now, will you stand up and raise your right hand?
Do you solemnly swear the testimony you will give before the President's Commission in this deposition proceeding will be the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth, so help you God? Dr. GREGORY . I do. Dr. GREGORY. Dr. Charles Francis Gregory. Dr. GREGORY. I am a physician and surgeon. Dr. GREGORY. Yes; I received a bachelor of science degree from Indiana University in 1941, and a doctor of medicine in 1944. I have completed 5 years of post-graduate training in orthopedic surgery at the Indiana University Medical Center in 1951. I remained there excepting for an interlude with the U.S. Navy in 1953 and 1954, until 1956. In 1956 I assumed my present position, which is that of professor of orthopedic surgery and chairman of the division of orthopedic surgery at the Southwestern Medical School, University of Texas. Dr. GREGORY. I am certified by the American Board of Orthopedic Surgery; yes, sir. Dr. GREGORY. In 1953. I am now a member of the American Board of Orthopedic Surgery, as a matter of fact. Mr. SPECTER. Dr. Gregory, what experience, if any, have you had in the treatment of gunshot wounds? Dr. GREGORY. My experience with the treatment of gunshot wounds began with my training in orthopedic surgery, but its greatest impetus occurred in 1953 and 1954 in the Korean theatre of operations with the U.S. Navy. Since that time here at the Parkland Hospital in Dallas our service has attended a considerable number of such injuries, plus my experience is continuing. Mr. SPECTER. Could you approximate the total number of gunshot wounds you have had experience with? Dr. GREGORY. I have had personal experience with, I suppose, in approximately 500 such missile wounds. to treat Governor Connally? Dr. GREGORY. I did. Mr. SPECTER. Will you relate briefly the circumstances surrounding your call to treat the Governor? Dr. GREGORY. I had been seeing patients in the health service at the medical school building on the morning of November 22 and was there when word was received that the President had been shot. I did not then know that the Governor had also been injured. I came to the emergency room of Parkland Hospital and upon gaining entrance to it, inquired as to whether or not Mr. Kennedy's wounds were of a nature that would require my assistance. I was advised that they were not. I then took a number of persons from the emergency room area with me away from it in order to reduce the confusion, and I went to the orthopedic ward on the fifth floor west of Parkland Hospital. After attending some of the patients on that ward, I was preparing to leave the hospital and went by the operating room area to see whether or not I could be of any other assistance, and was apprised then that a page was out for me. At that time Dr. Shaw advised me that Governor Connally had been wounded and that among his wounds were those to the right forearm and the left thigh. He had asked that I stay and attend those wounds after he had completed care of the Governor's chest wound.
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