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Warren Commission Hearings: Vol. VI - Page 6« Previous | Next »

(Testimony of Dr. Charles J. Carrico)

Dr. CARRICO. The wound that I saw was a large gaping wound, located in the right occipitoparietal area. I would estimate to be about 5 to 7 cm. in size, more or less circular, with avulsions of the calvarium and scalp tissue. As I stated before, I believe there was shredded macerated cerebral and cerebellar tissues both in the wounds and on the fragments of the skull attached to the dura.
Mr. SPECTER. Did you notice any other opening in the head besides the one you have just described?
Dr. CARRICO. No, sir; I did not.

Mr. Specter.
Specifically, did you notice a bullet wound below the large
gaping hole which you described?
Dr. CARRICO. No, sir.
Mr. SPECTER. What is your opinion, Doctor, if you have one, as to how many bullets were involved in the injuries inflicted on the President?
Dr. CARRICO. As far as I could tell, I would guess that there were two.
Mr. SPECTER Prior to today, have you ever been interviewed by any representative of the Federal Government?
Dr. CARRICO. Yes, sir; the Secret Service talked to us shortly after the President's death.
Dr. CARRICO. No; I don't recall his name.
Mr. Specter.
Do you recall who talked to you on that occasion?
Mr. Specter.
What was the content of that interview?
Dr. CARRICO. We spoke to him in Dr. Shires' office in the medical school con-coming the President's death, mostly my part was just a statement that the written statement that I had submitted was true.
Mr. SPECTER. I now call your attention, Doctor, to a document heretofore identified as Commission Exhibit No. 392, to a 2-page summary which purports to bear your signature, and dated November 22, 1963, 1620 hours, and ask you
first of all if that is a photostatic copy of a report which you submitted?
Dr. CARRICO. Yes; it is.
Mr. Specter.
And, is that your signature at the end?
Mr. Specter.
And are the facts set forth in there true and correct?
Dr. CARRICO. They are.

Mr. SPECTER. With respect to this notation of a ragged wound of the trachea, which is contained .in your report, could you describe that in more specific detail?
Dr. CARRICO. In inserting the endotracheal tube, a larynzo scope was inserted and it was noted that there was some discoloration at the lateral edge of the larynx and there appeared to be some swelling and hematoma and in looking through the chords which were partially open, a ragged tissue and some blood was seen within the trachea itself. This was the extent of what I saw.
Mr. SPECTER. Would that specific portion of the wound give any indication as to direction of the bullet?
Dr. CARRICO. No; it wouldn't.
Mr. Specter.
Was there any characteristic within the neck area to give any indication of

the direction of the bullet?
Dr. CARRICO. No, sir.
Mr. SPECTER. Did the Secret Service man whom you just described ask you any questions beyond whether the contents of your report were true?
Dr. CARRICO. I can't recall any specific questions. He did ask some others and they did concern the wounds, and what we felt the wounds were from, the direction, and so forth.
Mr. Specter.
And what response did you make to those inquiries?
Dr. CARRICO. Essentially the same as I have here. I said I don't remember specifically.
Mr. Specter.
Have you talked to any other representative of the Federal

Government prior to today?
Dr. CARRICO. Not in connection with this.
Mr. SPECTER. Well, have you talked to someone in connection with something else?
Dr. CARRICO. Just some Government employment--Civil Service.
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