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(Testimony of Eddie Piper)
Mr. BALL. And do you remember exactly what he said?
Mr. PIPER. No, sir; I don't remember exactly. All I remember him was muttering out something---I didn't know whether he said he was going up or going out. Mr. PIPER. I heard one shot, and then the next shot went off---the one that shot him and I got on up and went on back, back where they make coffee at the end of the counter where I could see what happened and before I could get there, the third shot went off, and I seen the people all running and in a few minutes someone came in the building, and I looked up and it was the boss-man and a policeman or someone. Mr. BALL. You say you heard one shot---you heard two shots and you got up and then what happened, where did you go? Mr. PIPER. I came out to the end of the counter where they make coffee there by the stand. Mr. PIPER. It was about between 12:30---between 12:27 and 12:30--something like that, as near as I can remember. Mr. PIPER. I don't know whether it was a policeman or FBI or who it was, but another fellow was with him. They taken off and went on up the stairway and that's all I know about that. Mr. BALL. Now, that day, you went over to the sheriff's office and made a statement, didn't you?
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