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Warren Commission Hearings: Vol. VI - Page 332« Previous | Next »

(Testimony of William H. Shelley)

Mr. Ball.
On which he kept his orders?
Mr. Shelley.
Mr. Ball.
Is it a clipboard you gave him to use or one---
Mr. Shelley.
It's one he picked up.
Mr. Ball.
Picked up where?
Mr. Shelley.
Just laying around.
Mr. Ball.
There are clipboards that the order fillers use there?

Mr. SHELLEY. Yeah, some of them are on bakelite and some we just use a clip and maybe a piece of cardboard.
Mr. Ball.
Did he use the same one at all times?
Mr. Shelley.
Yes; as far as I know.
Mr. Ball.
Now at a later time do you remember a clipboard being found?

Mr. SHELLEY. Yes, sir.
Mr. Ball.
Do you know who found it?
Mr. Shelley.
Frankie Kaiser.
Mr. Ball.
Where did he find it?
Mr. Shelley.
He found it on the sixth floor in the corner of the stairway.
Mr. Ball.
Did he show you the place?
Mr. Shelley.
Mr. Ball.
Point it out to you?
Mr. Shelley.
Yes; so I invited Mr. Pinkston---
Mr. Ball.
Mr. who?
Mr. Shelley.
Pinkston of the FBI.
Mr. Ball.
Did he come out and get the clipboard?
Mr. Shelley.
Yes; he got it.
Mr. Ball.
But Frankie Kaiser pointed it out to you, did he?
Mr. Shelley.
Yes, sir.
Mr. BALL. And you called the FBI and pointed it out to him?
Mr. SHELLEY. He was down there at the time and I told him about it and he and Frankie and I went up and got it.
Mr. Ball.
Do you know what date?
Mr. Shelley.
No, sir; that, I sure couldn't tell you. It was the following week though, I am pretty sure.
Mr. BALL. You mean after the 22d, the following, you say, the 22d of November?
Mr. Shelley.
Yes, sir.
Mr. Ball.
Did you examine that clipboard?
Mr. Shelley.
No, sir.
Mr. BALL. Did you examine it to see whether. or not there was on the clipboard any orders?
Mr. Shelley.
Yes, sir.
Mr. Ball.
Unfilled orders?
Mr. Shelley.
Yes, sir; there were some invoices on it.
Mr. BALL. Were you able to identify those invoices and state to whom they had been assigned to fill?
Mr. Shelley.
They were Scott, Foresman invoices.
Mr. Ball.
Scott, Foresman invoices?
Mr. Shelley.
Yes, sir; and he filled mostly Scott, Foresman orders.
Mr. Ball.
Who is "he"?
Mr. Shelley.
Mr. Ball.
Oswald filled mostly Scott, Foresman orders?
Mr. Shelley.
Mr. Ball.
That is Foresman [spelling]?
Mr. Shelley.
Foresman [spelling].
Mr. Ball.
Was there any other order filler who filled Scott, Foresman invoices?
Mr. Shelley.
Any of the other boys would if they ran out of other publishers' orders. When I get those orders, I sort them according to publishers and during rush season like that, usually, have one guy sticking as close to one publisher as he can because skipping back and forth you have different codes and everything and it is confusing to them.
Mr. BALL. So, in the morning would you have assigned all Scott, Foresman to Oswald on that Friday morning?
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