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Warren Commission Hearings: Vol. V - Page 474« Previous | Next »

(Testimony of James J. Rowley)

Mr. Rowley.
Yes; that has to do with the codification, wherein it states that the Attorney General will appoint--I think, in substance officials for the Protection of the President of the United States. And this is a feature in the codification of the law we object to, because the Secretary of the Treasury authorizes and directs the protection of the President.
Representative Ford.
Is that a bill, Mr. Rankin, that is before the House Committee on the Judiciary and the Senate Judiciary Committee?
Mr. Rowley.
They are preparing it, and they asked for our opinions. It must be now. This is a month or so ago, Mr. Ford.
Mr. Rankin.
I think I can give the Commission the exact language. It is chapter 33 of the House rule that I have just described, and it is under section 534, and the words are: "The Attorney General may appoint officials"--and then in quotes below that, in (2) "to protect the person of the President" and--and then it deals with other matters.
Now, will you tell why you have an objection to that? Just briefly summarize it.
Mr. Rowley.
Because of the long history of Presidential protection we have been directed--it has been under the jurisdiction of the Treasury Department, authorized by the Secretary of the Treasury. But this would confuse and be a conflict in jurisdiction. Conflicts would naturally arise in the future as to who had jurisdiction.
If anything happened like Dallas, we would get into an Alphonse and Gaston pantomine.
Mr. Rankin.
You would get into a jurisdictional dispute?
Mr. Rowley.
That is right.
Mr. Rankin.
And that is why you object?
Mr. Rowley.
That is right.
Mr. Rankin.
But as far as any provision that has been made historically for the FBI to have funds so they can supplement and assist you, you have no objection to that?
Mr. Rowley.
No objection at all.
Representative Ford.
Do you know how much in the way of funds have been utilized through that provision?
Mr. Rowley.
No; I would not know of my own knowledge, Congressman, because that would be under the jurisdiction of the FBI and the Budget Bureau.
Representative Ford.
In other words, they don't take money that they get thorough their appropriation bill, and transfer it .to the Secret Service?
Mr. Rowley.
Representative Ford.
This is simply a provision which authorizes them to use whatever funds they get for this purpose?
Mr. Rowley.
That is correct.
Mr. Rankin.
Chief Rowley, I understand that regarding H.R. 4158, the Treasury and the Justice Department have agreed that the language may be changed so that it will read "Assist", is that right?
Mr. Rowley.
That is correct.
Mr. Rankin.
And that is satisfactory?
Mr. Rowley.
That is right. That is what we worked out.
Mr. Rankin.
Now, in connection with your protection of the President, have you drawn upon various people in the Government and consultants to assist you in regard to scientific problems?
Mr. Rowley.
Yes; some 8 or 9 years ago, we evolved a relationship with the Defense Department--I think more specifically in the last 4 years--a relationship with the President's Scientific Advisor. This is off the record.
Mr. Rankin.
Why, Chief?
Mr. Rowley.
That has to do with national security.
(Discussion off the record.)
The Chairman.
Back on the record.
Mr. Rankin.
Chief Rowley, do you find in work of the Secret Service that you have need for scientific advice and consultation concerning problems that develop regarding the protection of the President, so that if you had some arrangement whereby you could have the assistance of either the President's Scientific Advisor
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