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Warren Commission Hearings: Vol. V - Page 395« Previous | Next »

(Testimony of Mrs. Lee Harvey Oswald Resumed)

Mrs. Oswald.
Senator COOPER. Why? Why do you make that statement?
Mrs. Oswald.
Because we only saw Mr. Paine once or twice before we went to New Orleans. And there was more opportunity to see Mr. Paine after we came back.
Senator COOPER. But my question is what makes you think he might have talked to Mr. Paine about Cuba?
Mrs. Oswald.
I think, sir; because after returning from New Orleans this was his favorite subject, Cuba, and he was quite--a little bit cracked about it, crazy about Cuba.
Senator COOPER. You mean he talked to you a great deal about it after you came from New Orleans?
Mrs. Oswald.
Well, in New Orleans he used to talk to me endlessly about Cuba, but after we came back he didn't talk to me about it any longer because I was just sick and tired of this.
Mr. Dulles.
"He" in this case is your husband?
Mrs. Oswald.
That is right. I really don't know about what he talked with Mr. Paine. I think that they were talking about politics, that is to say my husband with Mr. Paine because my husband used to tell me afterwards, "Well, he doesn't understand anything about politics." "He is not too strong on politics."
And, therefore, I think they were probably talking with the American political system and the Russian political system and comparisons between them I think that Mr. Paine could probably tell you more about this than I can.
Senator COOPER. That is all I want to ask for the time being.
Mrs. Oswald.
I think that Mr. Paine knows more about my husband's political attitudes toward the United States than I do.
Mr. Rankin.
You said the FBI asked you whether you could have been mistaken about it being Mr. Nixon that your husband was interested in going and seeing and maybe doing something to with his gun.
Do you know what Mr. Johnson you were asking about?
Let me rephrase the question.
You said the FBI asked you whether you might have been mistaken about Mr. Nixon and whether it might have been Mr. Johnson instead of Mr. Nixon that your husband was interested in doing something to with his gun.
Do you know what Mr. Johnson was being referred to?
Mrs. Oswald.
No; I didn't know who Johnson was. I am ashamed but I never knew his name. I am ashamed myself but I didn't know who Johnson was.
Mr. Rankin.
You didn't know that the FBI was asking about the then Vice President and new President Johnson?
Mrs. Oswald.
No; I never heard of Johnson before he became President.
Mr. Dulles.
And you are quite sure----
Mrs. Oswald.
Maybe I am stupid, I don't know.
Mr. Dulles.
And you are quite sure that your husband mentioned the name of Nixon to you----
Mrs. Oswald.
Yes; I am sure it was Nixon.
Mr. Dulles.
That morning?
Mr. Rankin.
Do you know whether this Nixon incident occurred the day before your husband went to New Orleans?
Mrs. Oswald.
It wasn't the day before. Perhaps 3 days before.
Mr. Mckenzie.
Mr. Rankin, may I ask a question?
Mr. Rankin.
Mr. Mckenzie.
Mrs. Oswald, you say or you said a few minutes ago that Mr. Paine knew or knows more about your husband's attitude about the United States than you do. Why did you say that?
Mrs. Oswald.
Because my husband's favorite topic of discussion was politics, and whoever he was with he talked to them politics and Mr. Paine was with him a fair amount and I am not sure they talked about politics. They went to meetings of some kind together, I don't know what kind of meetings.
Mr. Mckenzie.
Do you know where the meetings were?
Mrs. Oswald.
In Dallas. After they came back from some meeting my husband
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