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Warren Commission Hearings: Vol. V - Page 21« Previous | Next »

(Testimony of Alan H. Belmont)

This does put a big burden of investigation and judgment on the Secret Service, one which they have not heretofore presumably had placed on their shoulders.

Mr. Belmont.
I think you are correct.
Mr. Mccloy.
The reason I am asking these questions is because by implication, at least, one of our directives is to look into this situation for the future protection of the President, and we want to see that we have got something that is practical as well as cautious.
Mr. Dulles.
Do the memoranda attached, Mr. Belmont, to this exhibit indicate what classes were so identified for investigation under the procedures existing at the time of the assassination and what change has been made, how it has been extended?
Mr. Belmont.
Yes, sir. If you----
Mr. Dulles.
By the definitions under paragraph 2 of the Manual of Instructions.
Mr. Belmont.
The previous page and the paragraph right above No. 2 sets forth the same information that we acted on prior to the assassination.
Mr. Dulles.
That is paragraph 1?
Mr. Belmont.
Yes, sir.
Mr. Dulles.
The Manual of Instructions, section 83.
Mr. Belmont.
Yes, sir.
Mr. Dulles.
What are the various categories given now at the top of page 2 of this exhibit which have been added?
Mr. Belmont.
At the top of page 2, sir, that is the information that should be included in the notification to headquarters as to who the individual is and the background information that was furnished to Secret Service so that we, too, can disseminate to Secret Service here.
Representative Ford.
Under the new criteria would Oswald's name have gone to the Secret Service automatically?
Mr. Belmont.
Well, Congressman, right now we are including all defectors automatically.
Now, the question whether Oswald meets these criteria here as set forth is a question of judgment. As I say, right now we do furnish all defectors.
Representative Ford.
Defectors are for the time being at least a special category other than what is set forth here unless for some other reason they would fall into one of these categories.
Mr. Belmont.
Mr. Mccloy.
Do you under that category send forward all Communists?
Mr. Belmont.
Mr. Mccloy.
All Communists, yes.
Mr. Dulles.
Mr. Chairman, I wonder whether or not it would be wise for the record at this point to read into the record, in view of the importance of this, this paragraph which we are now discussing and which, as I understand it, contains the new definition of investigative cases?
The Chairman.
Yes; we can put it into the record.
Mr. Dulles.
Mr. Belmont, as I understand it, the new criteria are set forth in paragraph 2 on page 2 of the Manual of Instructions, section 83; is that correct?
Mr. Belmont.
That is correct.
Mr. Mccloy.
Which, as I counted, is the 12th page of the Commission's Exhibit No. 836; is that right, Mr. Stern?
Mr. Stern.
That is right number of the exhibit.
Mr. Mccloy.
836, and I think it is the 12th page.
Mr. Dulles.
For convenient reference I suggest that when this be included that we add the dates and the page numbers.
Mr. Stern.
I think the witness can do this immediately.
The Chairman.
We will give a copy of it to the reporter and he may copy it and incorporate it later in the record.
(Paragraph 2 reads as follows:)
"Other dissemination to Secret Service concerning security of the President. All investigative personnel should be alert for the identification of subversives, ultrarightists, racists, and Fascists (a) possessing emotional instability or irrational behavior, (b) who have made threats of bodily harm against officials
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