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Warren Commission Hearings: Vol. V - Page 186« Previous | Next »

(Testimony of Mr. Jack Ruby)

Mr. Ruby.
When this thing happened, I called him. He said, "Yes, we are just watching on television." And I couldn't carry on more conversation. I said, "Al, I have to hang up."
Then I must have called my sister, Eileen, in Chicago.
Then a fellow came over to deliver some merchandise I had ordered over the phone, or Andy ordered. And we said, "What is the use of purchasing any merchandise of any kind, we are not interested in business." And I don't recall what I said, but I told him whatever money he received, to keep the change. I am not a philanthropist, but nothing bothered me at the time. I wasn't interested in anything.
Then I kept calling my sister, Eva, because she wanted me to come be with her.
Eva and I have a very complex personality. Very rarely can I be with her, but on this particular occasion, since she was carrying on so, I felt that I wanted to be with someone that meant something to me. I wanted to be with her.
And I kept calling her back, "I will be there." And so on. But I never did get there until a couple of hours later.
I finally left the club. I am sure you gentlemen can brief in all the things that happened before. A kid by the name of Larry up there, I think I told him to send the dog they crated, to find out about the price--very implusive about everything.
Then I left the club. And I had been dieting, but I felt I wanted some food. I can't explain it. It would be like getting intoxicated at that particular time. It is amusing, but it is true.
I went over to the Ritz Delicatessen a block and a half away. Must have bought out the store, for about $10 worth of delicacies and so on. Went out to my sister's and stayed at her apartment.
Oh, I called from the apartment--my sister knew more of my calls than I did. I remember I think I called--I can't think of who I called. Anyway, I am sure I made some calls of what had happened there. Somebody will have to piece me together from the time I got to my sister's apartment where I had partaken of the food.
Oh yes, I called Andy. This Andy Armstrong called me and said, "Don Safran wants you to call him."
This is rare for this gentleman, because he is a columnist for the Dallas Times Herald, because he never could get out any copy for my club. And he said, "Don Safran wants me to call him."
I called him, and he said, "Jack, are you going to be closed tonight?"
I said, "Yes."
He said, "Well, the Cabana and the Adolphus, the Century Room, are going to be closed."
I said, "Don, I am not asking you about any clubs that are going to be closed. I know I am going to be closed."
And he said, "Jack, that is what I want to know."
And I said, "You don't have to prompt me about who else is going to be closed."
I put the receiver down and talked to my sister, and I said, "Eva, what shall we do?"
And she said, "Jack, let's close for the 3 days." She said, "We don't have anything anyway, but we owe it to"-- (chokes up).
So I called Don Safran back immediately and I said, "Don, we decided to close for Friday, Saturday, and Sunday."
And he said, "Okay."
Then I called the Morning News and I wanted to definitely make sure to change a copy of my ad to "Closed Friday, Saturday, and Sunday," something to that effect.
And it was a little late in the afternoon, but he said, "we will try to get the copy in."
Then I called Don back again but couldn't get him, and I spoke to one of his assistants, and I said, I forget what I told him. Anyway, that is one of the calls I had that had transpired.
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