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Warren Commission Hearings: Vol. V - Page 152« Previous | Next »

(Testimony of Lyndal L. Shaneyfelt)

Mr. Shaneyfelt.
That is frame 222.
Mr. Specter.
Have you prepared a model demonstration on frame 222?
Mr. Shaneyfelt.
Yes; I have.
Mr. Specter.
What Commission Exhibit number has just been affixed on that frame?
Mr. Shaneyfelt.
Frame 222 has been given Commission Exhibit No. 894.
Mr. Specter.
Was the location of the automobile fixed from the window or from the street on frame 222?
Mr. Shaneyfelt.
On frame 222, the position of the automobile was fixed from the street, based on the photograph from the Zapruder film.
Mr. Specter.
Are the various photographs on that frame and the various distances the same in terms of general layout as the prior exhibit you testified to?
Mr. Shaneyfelt.
That is correct.
Mr. Specter.
What is the first frame at which President Kennedy is visible coming out from behind that sign?
Mr. Shaneyfelt.
This is frame 225.
Mr. Specter.
What Commission Exhibit has been affixed to frame 225?
Mr. Shaneyfelt.
Frame 225 has been assigned Commission Exhibit No. 895.
Mr. Specter.
What, if anything, is detectable from a view of the Zapruder film frame 225 as to the positions or reaction of President Kennedy?
Mr. Shaneyfelt.
Frame 225 there appears to be a reaction on the part of the President. This is----
Mr. Specter.
Describe specifically what movement he is making in that picture or what his position is?
Mr. Shaneyfelt.
At frame 225 his hand is down, his right hand that was waving is down, and has been brought down as though it were reaching for his lapel or his throat. The other hand, his left had is on his lapel but rather high, as though it were coming up, and he is beginning to go into a hunched position.
Mr. Specter.
When you say beginning to go into a hunched position is that apparent to you from viewing the motion picture and slides from the frames which succeed frame 225?
Mr. Shaneyfelt.
That is primarily apparent from the motion picture because of the two or three or four frames that show as he emerges from the sign; that is, in the motion picture, you see the President reaching for his coat lapels and going into a hunched position, leaning forward and lowering his head.
Mr. Mccloy.
That doesn't exist in frame 225 yet, does it?
Mr. Shaneyfelt.
It is just beginning in frame 225. That is frame 225 is the first view we have of the President.
Mr. Mccloy.
Out past the sign.
Mr. Shaneyfelt.
As he comes out from behind the sign that obstructs the cameraman from the President.
Mr. Dulles.
But there is no obstruction from the sixth floor window?
Mr. Shaneyfelt.
No; no obstruction at this point. There is no obstruction from the sixth floor window from the time they leave the tree until they disappear down toward the triple overpass.
Mr. Specter.
Do the photographs on frame 225 depict the same circumstances as those depicted on the prior exhibits?
Mr. Shaneyfelt.
That is correct.
Mr. Specter.
And do the measurements on frame 225 cover the same subjects as those covered on prior exhibits?
Mr. Shaneyfelt.
That is correct.
Mr. Specter.
What is the angle from the rifle to the spot on the President's back on frame 210, please?
Mr. Shaneyfelt.
On frame 210, the angle from the rifle to the window, based on the horizon is 21°34'.
Mr. Specter.
That is from the rifle to what, Mr. Shaneyfelt.
Mr. Shaneyfelt.
From the rifle to the chalk mark on the back of the stand-in for the President.
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