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Warren Commission Hearings: Vol. V - Page 130« Previous | Next »

(Testimony of Thomas J. Kelley)

Mr. Specter.
onsite tests made in Dallas at the scene of the assassination, and of preliminary studies which were made prior to the onsite tests at Dallas.
May we have them sworn in as a group?
The Chairman.
Yes. Will you rise and raise your right hands, please?
Do you solemnly swear that the testimony you are about to give before this Commission shall be the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth, so help you God?
Mr. Kelley.
I do.
Mr. Gauthier.
I do.
Mr. Shaneyfelt.
I do.
Mr. Frazier.
I do.
The Chairman.
You may be seated, gentlemen. Mr. Kelley, will you take the witness chair, please? Mr. Specter will conduct the examination.
Mr. Specter.
Will you state your full name for the record, please?
Mr. Kelley.
Thomas J. Kelley.
Mr. Specter.
By whom are you employed?
Mr. Kelley.
I am employed by the U.S. Secret Service.
Mr. Specter.
In what capacity?
Mr. Kelley.
I am an inspector.
Mr. Specter.
In a general way, of what do your duties consist, Mr. Kelley?
Mr. Kelley.
As an inspector, I am part of the chief's headquarters staff. I conduct office inspections of our field and protective installations, and report on their actions to the chief.
Mr. Specter.
How long have you been with the Secret Service?
Mr. Kelley.
Twenty-two years.
Mr. Specter.
Did you participate in the planning of the onsite tests at Dallas, Tex.?
Mr. Kelley.
I did.
Mr. Specter.
And did you participate in the making of those tests?
Mr. Kelley.
Yes, sir.
Mr. Specter.
On what date was the onsite testing made?
Mr. Kelley.
It was a week ago Sunday.
Mr. Specter.
That would be May 24, 1964?
Mr. Kelley.
Yes, sir.
Mr. Specter.
What car was used for testing purposes?
Mr. Kelley.
The car that was used was a 1956 specially built Cadillac, open, a convertible, seven-passenger Cadillac. It has a termination of 679--X, the Secret Service calls it. It is a car that is used as a followup car to the President's car when he is in a motorcade.
Mr. Specter.
Was that car actually in the motorcade on November 22, 1963, in Dallas?
Mr. Kelley.
Yes; it was.
Mr. Specter.
Was there any special reason why the car in which the President rode on November 22 was not used?
Mr. Kelley.
Yes; the car in which the President rode has been modified by a body builder in Cincinnati, the Hess & Eisenhardt Co. of Cincinnati.
Mr. Specter.
And do you have a diagram showing the dimensions of the Secret Service followup car which was used during the onsite tests?
Mr. Kelley.
I have. It was felt that the best simulation of the test could be presented by having a car that was similar to the car in which the President was riding, which was also an open Lincoln convertible.
Mr. Specter.
May it please the Commission, I would like to mark the diagram of the followup car as Commission Exhibit No. 871 and move its admission into evidence.
The Chairman.
It may be admitted.
(The document referred to was marked Commission Exhibit No. 871 for identification, and received in evidence.)
Mr. Specter.
Do you have diagrams showing the dimensions of the Presidential car?
Mr. Kelley.
I have.
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