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Warren Commission Hearings: Vol. IV - Page 38« Previous | Next »

(Testimony of Sebastian F. Latona)

Mr. Eisenberg.
With the box?
Mr. Latona.
At the time we got the box.
Mr. Eisenberg.
I think I have that.
I now hand you what appears to be a portion of a cardboard carton and a piece of tape with various writings, included among which is "From top of box Oswald apparently sat on to fire gun."
Do you recognize this piece of paper, Mr. Latona?
Mr. Latona.
Yes, I do. This is a piece of paper that evidently had been cut from the box.
Mr. Eisenberg.
Does that fit into the box?
Mr. Latona.
It does.
Mr. Eisenberg.
Mr. Chairman, may I have this admitted as 649?
Mr. Dulles.
It shall be admitted as 649.
(The piece of carton referred to was marked Commission Exhibit No. 649, and received in evidence.)
Mr. Eisenberg.
Mr. Latona, did you find any identifiable prints on the cardboard carton 648?
Mr. Latona.
Yes; in addition to this one which has been cut out and which had been covered by a piece of lifting tape, there were, two fingerprints developed in addition to that one.
Mr. Eisenberg.
Two identifiable fingerprints?
Mr. Latona.
That is right.
Mr. Eisenberg.
Mr. Latona.
No; they were fingerprints.
Mr. Eisenberg.
I mean were there any palmprints?
Mr. Latona.
There were no palmprints.
Mr. Eisenberg.
How did you process this box?
Mr. Latona.
By the use of iodine fumes and silver nitrate solution.
Mr. Eisenberg.
Did you find evidence of processing prior to your receipt apart from the exhibit which is now 649?
Mr. Latona.
Yes; this particular area which has been cut out had been processed with powder.
Mr. Eisenberg.
Was there powder on other areas of the box?
Mr. Latona.
I don't believe there was.
Mr. Eisenberg.
Did you identify any of the prints on the carton 648 as belonging to a specific individual?
Mr. Latona.
The two fingerprints which were developed on Commission Exhibit 648 by silver nitrate are not identified as anyone's, but the print which appears on the piece which was cut out has been identified.
Mr. Eisenberg.
That is 649?
Mr. Latona.
Of Exhibit 648--which is Exhibit 649----
Mr. Eisenberg.
Mr. Latona.
Which came from Exhibit 648 has been identified as a palm-print of Harvey Lee Oswald, the right palmprint.
Mr. Eisenberg.
That is Lee Harvey Oswald, Mr. Latona?
Mr. Latona.
That is right, Lee Harvey Oswald.
Mr. Eisenberg.
Now, Mr. Latona, can you tell how this was developed, this print on 649?
Mr. Latona.
The appearance is it was developed with black powder.
Mr. Eisenberg.
You testified before concerning the aging of fingerprints. Considering the material on which this print was developed, 649, do you think you could form an opinion, any opinion at all, concerning the freshness or staleness of this print?
Mr. Latona.
Bearing in mind the fact that this is an absorbent material, and realizing, of course, that a print when it is left on a material of this type it starts to soak in. Now, the reason that we in the FBI do not use powder is because of the fact that in a short period of time the print will soak in so completely that there won't be any moisture left.
Accordingly when you brush powder across there won't be anything developed.
Under circumstances, bearing in mind that here the box was powdered, and a print was developed with powder, the conclusion is that this is comparatively a fresh print. Otherwise, it would not have developed.
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