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Warren Commission Hearings: Vol. IV - Page 160« Previous | Next »

(Testimony of Jesse Edward Curry)

Mr. Curry.
be brought down in the rear hallways and admitted into the offices for interrogation.
Mr. Rankin.
What did you say about that?
Mr. Curry.
I heartily agreed with him.
Mr. Rankin.
Have you made any other plans for change of security?
Mr. Curry.
I have talked to my staff and said if we were ever faced with a thing of such magnitude again that we would not permit the press to come into the building. We would designate a place outside for them and we would just have to take the heat that was given to us by the press for not permitting them in there, but in view of what had happened that we would never permit this to occur again.
That we would, permit them to have representatives but they would be required to choose their representatives to be present, say, in these hallways or inside the buildings, and the rest of them would be excluded.
And regardless of how they treated us in the press for this decision, that is the way it would be in the future.
Mr. Rankin.
Did you do anything about appearing on television during this time?
Mr. Curry.
They had these cameras set up in the hallway, if I can have the exhibit I will show it to you.
Mr. Rankin.
Yes. That is Exhibit 701.
Mr. Curry.
Yes, sir. They had cameras set up right here, two or three cameras.
Mr. Rankin.
Have you marked that with the word "cameras"?
Mr. Curry.
Yes. And on an occasion or two as I was walking from the homicide office back to my office they would stop me here and try to interrogate me or interview me and they would have the cameras turned on me.
Mr. Rankin.
What would you do?
Mr. Curry.
They would besiege me with questions about how the investigation was proceeding, and I would on occasion or two I told them I thought it was proceeding very well, that we were obtaining good evidence to substantiate our suspicions, that this was the man that was guilty of the assassination.
Mr. Rankin.
Did you tell them what evidence you had?
Mr. Curry.
I told them on one occasion we had a rifle that had been partially identified by his, as belonging to him.
Mr. Rankin.
When did you do that?
Mr. Curry.
I believe that was on Saturday, I think.
Mr. Rankin.
About what time of the day?
Mr. Curry.
I don't recall exactly. I think it was in the afternoon. It might have been Friday night.
Mr. Rankin.
Did you tell them about any other evidence that you had?
Mr. Curry.
I don't recall, sir, whether I did or not. There was so much confusion that I can't recall exactly the times and exactly what was said. I think this is documented, perhaps.
Mr. Rankin.
Mr. Curry.
On the TV film.
Mr. Rankin.
I see. Did you give out any interviews to the newspapers?
Mr. Curry.
I don't recall giving any interviews to newspapers.
Mr. Rankin.
Any news releases?
Mr. Curry.
Not that I recall.
Mr. Dulles.
Do you recall having told them that you had sent a radio order out to surround the book depository?
Mr. Curry.
I didn't do that, sir. That was one of my inspectors, I believe that gave that order. I was riding in the Presidential parade and approximately a hundred feet, I guess, ahead of the President's car, and when we heard this first report, I couldn't tell exactly where it was coming from.
Representative Ford.
What report are you talking about now?
Mr. Curry.
A sharp report as a firecracker or as it was it was the report of this rifle.
We were Just approaching an underpass, and there were some people around
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