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Warren Commission Hearings: Vol. III - Page 388« Previous | Next »

(Testimony of Dr. Malcolm Perry)

Mr. Mccloy.
Dr. PERRY. I made only a very cursory examination, Mr. McCloy. He appeared rather thin to me.
Mr. Mccloy.
Not, you wouldn't call him a muscular type?
Dr. PERRY. No, he would be what we would describe as a thinnish individual, that is very thin; was wiry rather than bulky muscles.
Mr. Mccloy.
Were there any signs that you observed cursorily, symptoms of any prior disease?
Dr. PERRY. No, I did not look for those.
Mr. Dulles.
No distinguishing marks on the body that you saw, prior operations?
Dr. PERRY. No, sir; I did not look. There was no evidence of previous surgical operation on his abdomen, and I didn't examine anything else.
Of course, this also can be missed unless you are looking for it. We went through the midline and unless one went looking for it we did not have time and we would not see it.
Mr. Specter.
Dr. Perry, was the chest tube inserted in the President's chest abandoned or was that operation or operative procedure completed?
Dr. PERRY. The chest tube, to be placed there, was supposedly placed into the pleural cavity. However, I have knowledge that it was not.
Mr. Specter.
And what was the reason for its not being placed into the plueral cavity?
Dr. PERRY. I did not speak with certainty but at that point I think that we were at the end of the procedure and they just did not continue with it.
Mr. Specter.
Had it become apparent at that time that the President expired?
Dr. PERRY. That, I think, is probably true, but I did not state that with certainty because I cannot state the exact sequence. I was employed myself at the time, and I think if it had been determined that this was not in, it would have been completed, if there was still time, but I am not sure of that. That is speculation.
Mr. Specter.
With respect to the condition of the neck wounds, was it ragged or pushed out in any manner?
Dr. PERRY. No, it was not. As I originally described it, the edges were neither cleancut, that is punched out, nor were they very ragged. I realize that is not a very specific description but it is in between those two areas.
Mr. Specter.
Was there blood in that area which tended to obscure your view?
Dr. PERRY. It was exuding blood during that procedure and thus I did not examine it very closely. In retrospect, I think it would have been of much more value had I looked at these things more carefully but I had directed my attention to other things.
Mr. Specter.
Those complete my questions.
Representative Ford.
Mr. McCloy? Mr. Dulles?

Have you examined the autopsy report made by the officials in Bethesda?
Dr. PERRY. Yes, sir, I have.
Representative Ford.
Does your testimony conform to the facts stated in that report?
Dr. PERRY. I think so. At the time the testimony which I have given here of my knowledge without the was given the same as it was without the basis of that report. But now having had access to that report. I think it ties in very nicely. I see no discrepancies at all. For example, had I known that he had these other two wounds, it would have been much easier at the time to state a little more categorically about the trajectory of the missiles, but not knowing about those I could only speculate.
Representative Ford.
There is no basic conflict between what you have testified to or what you have said previously, and the autopsy report?
Dr. PERRY. None at all.
Representative Boggs.
Just one question. I presume this question has been asked.
This neck wound, was there any indication that that wound had come from the front?
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