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Warren Commission Hearings: Vol. III - Page 378« Previous | Next »

(Testimony of Dr. Malcolm Perry)

Mr. Dulles.
Well, I think it would be better to have each clipping dealt with separately. Obviously, if you have answered one point in one clipping it won't be necessary to answer that point if it is repeated in another clipping.
Dr. PERRY. Yes, sir.
Mr. Dulles.
Just deal with the new points.
Dr. PERRY. I can and will do this.
Representative Ford.
This would be where Dr. Perry is quoted himself, or Dr. Carrico, or anyone else, they would only pass judgment on the quotes concerning themselves.
Mr. Dulles.
That would be correct.
Dr. PERRY. Yes, because some of the other circumstances in some of the press releases which have come to my attention have not been entirely accurate either, regarding sequence of events, and although I would not have knowledge about those you would not want those added necessarily, just any statement alluded to have been made by me.
Mr. Dulles.
I think that would be better. Don't you think so, Mr. Chairman?
Representative Ford.
I think it would be the proper procedure.
Is this a monumental job, Mr. Specter?
Mr. Specter.
No, I think it is one which can be managed, Congressman Ford. I might say we have done that with some of the clippings.
There was an article, as the deposition records will show when you have an opportunity to review them, they have not been transcribed, as to an article which appeared in La Expres, statements were attributed to Dr. McClelland--
Mr. Dulles.
Which paper?
Mr. Specter.
A French paper, La Expres. And I questioned the doctors quoted therein and developed for the record what was true and what was false on the statements attributed to them, so we have undertaken that in some circles but not as extensively as you suggest as to Dr. Perry, because we have been trying diligently to get the tape records of the television interviews, and we were unsuccessful. I discussed this with Dr. Perry in Dallas last Wednesday, and he expressed an interest in seeing them, and I told him we would make them available to him prior to his appearance, before deposition or before the Commission, except our efforts at CBS and NBC, ABC and everywhere including New York, Dallas and other cities were to no avail.
The problem is they have not yet cataloged all of the footage which they have, and I have been advised by the Secret Service, by Agent John Howlett, that they have an excess of 200 hours of transcripts among all of the events and they just have not cataloged them and could not make them available.
Mr. Dulles.
Do you intend to catalog them?
Mr. Specter.
Yes, they do, Mr. Dulles. They intend to do that eventually in their normal process, and the Secret Service is trying to expedite the news media to give us those, and it was our thought as to the film clips, which would be the most direct or the recordings which would be the most direct, to make comparisons between the reports in the news media and what Dr. said at that time, and the facts which we have from the doctors through our depositions and transcript today.
Representative Ford.
Can you give us any time estimate when this catalog and comparison might be made?
Mr. Specter.
Only that they are working on it right now, have been for sometime, but it may be a matter of a couple of weeks until they can turn it over.
(Discussion off the record.)
Mr. Mccloy.
Mr. Chairman, I have some doubt as to the present propriety of making, of having the doctor make, comments in respect to a particular group of newspaper articles. There have been comments, as we all know, around the world, of great variety and great extent, and it would be practically impossible, I suppose, to check all of the accounts and in failing to check one would not wish to have it suggested that others, the accuracy of others was being endorsed.
I would suggest that the staff make an examination of the files that we have of the comments, together with such tape recordings as may have been taken of the actual press conferences, and after that examination is made we can then determine, perhaps a little more effectively, what might be done to clarify this
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