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Warren Commission Hearings: Vol. II - Page 371« Previous | Next »

(Testimony of Comdr. James J. Humes)

Mr. Dulles.
Therefore, that angle might be somewhat different.
Commander HUMES. Might be somewhat different, sir. I think we made reference to that somewhat earlier. The fragments were so difficult to replace in their precise anatomic location--
Mr. Dulles.
That is what I thought, but I wasn't sure.
Commander HUMES. That is correct.
Mr. Mccloy.
I would like to ask a question in regard to 385 similar to that I asked as to 388. In your opinion, was the 385 wound lethal?
Commander HUMES. No, sir.
Mr. Dulles.
With the wound in 385, would it have affected the President's power of speech?
Commander HUMES. It could have, sir. The wound caused a defect in his trachea which would most usually have caused at least some defect in the proper phonation, sir.
(Discussion off the record.)
The Chairman.
On the record.
Mr. Specter.
In response to Mr. Dulles' question a moment ago, Doctor Humes, you commented that they did not turn him over at Parkland. Will you state for the record what the source of your information is on that?
Commander HUMES. Yes. This is a result of a personal telephone conversation between myself and Dr. Malcolm Perry early in the morning of Saturday, November 23.
Mr. Specter.
At that time did Doctor Perry tell you specifically, Doctor Humes, that the Parkland doctors had not Observed the wound in the President's back?
Commander HUMES. He told me that the President was on his back from the time he was brought into the hospital until the time he left it, and that at no time was he turned from his back by the doctors.
Mr. Specter.
And at the time of your conversation with Doctor Perry did you tell Doctor Perry anything of your observations or conclusions?
Commander HUMES. No, sir; I did not.
(A short recess was taken.)
The Chairman.
Gentlemen, the Commission will be in order. We will continue with the examination.
Mr. Specter.
Doctor Humes, as to points of entry on the body of the late President, how many were there in total?
Commander HUMES. Two, sir, as depicted in 385-C and 388-A.
Mr. Specter.
And to points of exit, how many were there?
Commander HUMES. Two, sir, as depicted in 385-D and the vicinity of 388-B. I make the latter remark as was developed earlier, in that the size of the large defect in the skull was so great and the fragmentation was so complex that it was impossible to accurately pinpoint the exit of the missile in the head wound.
Mr. Specter.
Now as to that last factor, would the X-rays be of material assistance to you in pinpointing the specific locale of the exit?
Commander HUMES. I do not believe so, sir. The only path that the X-rays show in any detail are of the minor fragments which passed from point A to point B.
Mr. Specter.
Now that you have finished your major descriptions of the wounds, can you be any more specific in telling us in what way the availability of the x-rays would assist in further specifying the nature of the wounds?
Commander HUMES. I do not believe, sir, that the availability of the X-rays would materially assist the Commission.
Mr. Specter.
How about the same question as to the pictures?
Commander HUMES. The pictures would show more accurately and in more detail the character of the wounds as depicted particularly in 385 and 386 and in 388-A. They would also perhaps give the Commissioners a better---- better is not the best term, but a more graphic picture of the massive defect in 388.
Mr. Specter.
Going back for a moment, Doctor Humes---
The Chairman.
Before we get off that, may I ask you this, Commander: If we had the pictures here and you could look them over again and restate your opinion, would it cause you to change any of the testimony you have given here?
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