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Warren Commission Hearings: Vol. II - Page 267« Previous | Next »

(Testimony of )

Mr. Mcwatters.
the fact of we wondered where all, what all the excitement was due to the fact of the sirens and others, and after I turned on Houston Street I said to him and I made the remark, I wonder where the President was shot, and I believe he made the remark that it was probably in the head if he was in a convertible or something to that effect. I don't remember just exactly the way we worded it or what it was, but it was a conversation about the President, in other words, to where he was shot. In other words, and he made the remark or something, he was probably shot in the head, if he was sitting in a convertible or to that effect. I really don't know just exactly at that time. Just like I say I never thought anything about it.
Mr. Ball.
Didn't some lady say something?
Mr. Mcwatters.
Well, yes, sir.
Now, as we got on out on Marsalis, along about it was either Edgemont or Vermont, I believe it was Vermont Street, there was a lady who was fixing to cross the intersection and I stopped and asked her if she was going to catch the bus into town from the opposite direction, and she said that she was and I told her that we was off schedule, that the other bus had done went into town, and I asked her did she care to just ride on to the end of the line and come back and she wouldn't have to stand there and wait, and she was getting on, and I asked her had she heard the news of the President being shot, at the time that was all I knew about it, and she said, "No, what are you--you are just kidding me."
I said, "No, I really am not kidding you." I said, "It is the truth from all the reliable sources that we have come in contact with," and this teenage boy sitting on the side, I said "Well, now, if you think I am kidding you," I said, "Ask this gentleman sitting over here," and he kind of, I don't know whether it was a grinning or smile or whatever expression it was, and she said, "I know you are kidding now, because he laughed or grinned or made some remark to that effect."
And I just told her no it wasn't no kidding matter, but that was part of the conversation that was said at that time.
Mr. Ball.
Was this teenage boy--do you know where this teenage boy got on the bus?
Mr. Mcwatters.
Yes, sir; he got on at between, he got on at the stop, in other words, I stopped in front of the Majestic theater which is a block before I get to St. Paul; in other words, it is a middle of the stop, block stop, in other words. We pull in and stop in the center of the block, and my next stop would be St. Paul; in other words, that is where the teenage boy got on.
Mr. Ball.
He was on the bus when this man knocked on the door of your bus and got on?
Mr. Mcwatters.
Yes, sir; he was.
Mr. Ball.
He was on the bus when the man asked for the transfer and got off?
Mr. Mcwatters.
Yes, sir. That is right.
Mr. Ball.
Were you later called down to the--did the teenage boy ask for any transfer?
Mr. Mcwatters.
No, sir.
Mr. Ball.
Now, you were called down to the Dallas police department later, weren't you?
Mr. Mcwatters.
Yes, sir.
Mr. Ball.
What day was it?
Mr. Mcwatters.
It was on the same day, the 22d.
Mr. Ball.
22d. Do you know how they happened to get in touch with you, did you notify them that you.--
Mr. Mcwatters.
No, sir; I didn't know anything to that effect.
Mr. Ball.
Did they come out and get you?
Mr. Mcwatters.
They come out and--
Mr. Ball.
What did they ask you?
Mr. Mcwatters.
Well, they stopped me; it was, I would say around 6:15 or somewhere around 6:15 or 6:20 that afternoon.
Mr. Ball.
You were still on duty, were you?
Mr. Mcwatters.
Yes, sir.
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