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Warren Commission Hearings: Vol. II - Page 255« Previous | Next »

(Testimony of William Wayne Whaley)

Mr. Whaley.
passengers, time out six o'clock, I got that trip out of the barn and it is marked "call."
6:20 is "time in." "Mileage in" was 44. Now, see I didn't put the mileage out on the first one, the mileage out is up here, 35 to 44. It would have been nine miles I made on the first trip.
Over here on the side here, it has the number of trips I made that day which is 21, on the meter registered 21 trips 45 cents a trip is $9.45 157 units, a unit is a dime clicks every four-tenths of a mile. That would be 157 units at $15.70. Added total of $25.15. I used 5 1/2 gallons of gas, had eight pickups in 13 calls and 29 passengers. That is it complete, sir.
Mr. Ball.
I see.
Now, look at your manifest and tell me where you were at 12 o'clock the day of November 22, 1963.
Mr. Whaley.
12 o'clock I got a call to the Travis Hotel. I have got it marked 16 which is the Continental bus station, stand No. 15, 55 cents. I unloaded that at 12:15.
Mr. Ball.
Then where did you go at 12:15 according to you record?
Mr. Whaley.
According to my record I got a pickup at the Continental bus station which is stand 16 and went to the Greyhound which is 55 cents. I unloaded at the Greyhound, I have got it marked 12:30. See there is that 15 minutes you say I am off, I just mark it 15, I don't put the correct time on the sheet because they don't require it, sir, but anywhere approximate.
Mr. Ball.
In other words, it took you about 15 minutes to go--
Mr. Whaley.
It actually took about nine minutes, sir.
Mr. Ball.
And you put the trip ending Greyhound around 12:30?
Mr. Whaley.
Yes, sir.
Mr. Ball.
You remember that trip, do you, you remember the fact that you took the trip to the Greyhound and parked your car at the Greyhound or your cab at the Greyhound, don't you?
Mr. Whaley.
Yes, sir; I remember it.
Mr. Ball.
Were you standing at the Greyhound, at your cab stand at the Greyhound, long before you picked up another passenger?
Mr. Whaley.
No, sir, there was no one at the Greyhound stand and when I unloaded at the door I just pulled up about 30 feet to the stand and stopped and then I wanted a package of cigarettes, I was out so I started to get out and I saw this passenger coming so I waited for him.
Mr. Ball.
He was coming down the street?
Mr. Whaley.
He was walking down the street.
Mr. Ball.
What street was he walking down?
Mr. Whaley.
Mr. Ball.
Would that mean he was walking south on Lamar?
Mr. Whaley.
He was walking south on Lamar from Commerce when I saw him.
Mr. Ball.
That would be on which side of the street?
Mr. Whaley.
The west side of the street.
Mr. Ball.
South on Lamar?
Mr. Whaley.
Yes, sir.
Mr. Ball.
Did you notice how he was dressed?
Mr. Whaley.
Yes, sir. I didn't pay much attention to it right then. But it all came back when I really found out who I had. He was dressed in just ordinary work clothes. It wasn't khaki pants but they were khaki material, blue faded blue color, like a blue uniform made in khaki. Then he had on a brown shirt with a little silverlike stripe on it and he had on some kind of jacket, I didn't notice very close but I think it was a work jacket that almost matched the pants.
He, his shirt was open three buttons down here. He had on a T-shirt. You know, the shirt was open three buttons down there.
Mr. Ball.
Now, what happened after that, will you tell us in your own words what he did?
Mr. Whaley.
Well, on this which was the 14th trip when I picked up at the Greyhound I marked it 12:30 to 12:45.
Mr. Ball.
You say that can be off 15 minutes?
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