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Warren Commission Hearings: Vol. II - Page 218« Previous | Next »

(Testimony of Buell Wesley Frazier)

Mr. Frazier.
town of any size in Texas, and you just go in and see the driving license man and just tell him that you plan to take your driving test and you would like to have the auto manual, and the manual covers any laws and so forth in the State of Texas, and you can either study for your operator's or your commercial and you pick out which one you want, and you study up for it and then he is there, he tells you what days he is in his office, and so he goes there a certain time and he gives you several sheets of paper, a quiz and you answer them questions, and if you--you have to make a grade of 70 on it to pass and if you make a grade of 70 or above, well, I say, in another week or two you go down there and you say like for instance if you are going to want a driver's license for a car--
Representative Ford.
Did Lee ever ask you or did Lee ever tell you whether he had ever actually applied for a driver's license?
Mr. Frazier.
No, sir; he never had, except I told you that weekend that he said he was going down to take his driving test, and so I knew from being in the State of Texas that you have to know something; you have to have the manuals and so forth to study up on it. Or there isn't any use going down there if you don't know the rules because you are not wasting any time but your own.
Mr. Ball.
Do you remember whether or not one weekend that he didn't go down with you but he rode back with you, say, on the Armistice Day holiday? Do you remember?
Mr. Frazier.
No, sir; I don't.
Mr. Ball.
Your memory is that he went,, he rode home with you every Friday and came back the following Monday?
Mr. Frazier.
Mr. Ball.
Except this one weekend?
Mr. Frazier.
Right, that is what I say. If he went home with me on Friday afternoon he always rode back with me on Monday morning. It wasn't no added job when he would come with me on the weekend. He would ride home with me on Friday and he would come back with me on Monday.
Mr. Ball.
Did he ever tell you that he had or had not applied for a driver's license?
Mr. Frazier.
No; he had not except he told me he was going down to take it.
Mr. Ball.
He never told you that he had or had not?
Mr. Frazier.
Mr. Ball.
And he never told you whether he had obtained a driver's license?
Mr. Frazier.
No, sir; he didn't.
Mr. Ball.
Did you ever talk to him on whether or not he could drive a car, knew how to drive a car?
Mr. Frazier.
Well, I say, I believe the first afternoon, the first time we was going home and we were talking about that and he said he was working on his driving license then, and then naturally like I told you several weeks later, then he told me he was going to take his driving test and I assumed he could drive a car being as old as he was because most everybody in the State of Texas by. the time you are my age if you can't drive a car something is wrong with you.
Mr. Ball.
He did never say whether he could or couldn't?
Mr. Frazier.
Mr. Ball.
Did he ever ask you about the parts of a car?
Mr. Frazier.
No, sir; I don't believe he did.
Mr. Ball.
Do you remember any conversation when he asked you what the clutch was?
Mr. Frazier.
Oh, yes. We got talking about that. He noticed, you know, most cars as old as mine, you know most of them are standard shift, and when I bought this old car it kind of fooled me it had automatic transmission on it so we got talking about it on the way home driving home and I told him that I really prefer a standard because you know, they are a lot easier to work on and you know, when an automatic goes dead it goes dead, there is no rolling
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