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Warren Commission Hearings: Vol. II - Page 200« Previous | Next »

(Testimony of James Richard , Jr. Worrell)

Mr. Worrell.
I don't know. I was watching television, I didn't know even who she was talking to.
Mr. Specter.
All right. Aside from that conversation with Mr. Sorrels and the interview you have had with the FBI, have you ever talked with any agent or representative of the Federal Government.
Mr. Worrell.
No, sir.
Mr. Specter.
Have you talked to any police official of Dallas or the State of Texas after you gave this affidavit?
Mr. Worrell.
No, sir.
Mr. Specter.
Based on seeing only the back of this man, were you ever able to make any identification of him?
Mr. Worrell.
No, sir.
Mr. Specter.
Mr. Chairman, I move for the admission into evidence of the other exhibit which we have used with Mr. Worrell being Commission Exhibit No. 362.
Senator COOPER. The exhibit will be admitted to evidence.
(The document referred to was marked Commission Exhibit No. 362 for identification and received in evidence.)
Mr. Specter.
That concludes our questions.
Senator COOPER. You stated that, I believe. you looked up after you had heard the first report?
Mr. Worrell.
Yes, sir.
Senator SPECTER. You looked up and saw the barrel of a rifle, and then the rifle fired. What made you know that it fired?
Mr. Worrell.
Senator COOPER. How did you know it was fired when you were looking at it?
Mr. Worrell.
Well, I saw what you might call a little flame and smoke.
Senator COOPER. You saw something that came out of the barrel?
Mr. Worrell.
Yes, sir.
Senator COOPER. Were you looking at it when you heard the third report?
Mr. Worrell.
Yes, sir, looking at it, turning around and started to run.
Senator COOPER. Did you see anything then?
Mr. Worrell.
Same thing, a little flash of fire and then smoke. I didn't see it on the fourth one.
Senator COOPER. Did you only look at the ear in which the President was riding one time when you said you saw him slump?
Mr. Worrell.
Yes, sir.
Senator COOPER. Did you look back at the President's car then?
Mr. Worrell.
No Sir. I didn't do that because I mean I didn't know if there was one or more guns, because I wondered why if it was in such rapid succession being a bolt action, I found out later, and I didn't know what was coming off, so I was running to the back of the building because I figured that would be the safest place.
Senator COOPER. Did you see anyone in the windows, in the Texas Depository Building?
Mr. Worrell.
No, sir.
Senator COOPER. Did you notice where this man you have described later as running away from the building, did you see him come out of the building?
Mr. Worrell.
Yes, sir.
Senator COOPER. Where?
Mr. Worrell.
At the back entrance. Approximately where I put the mark "Z."
Senator COOPER. Was he running all the time you saw him?
Mr. Worrell.
Yes, sir, he sure was.
Senator COOPER. That is all.
Mr. Wright.
Prior to hearing the first shot, had you looked up at the School Book Depository Building?
Mr. Worrell.
No, sir; I sure didn't.
Mr. Wright.
That is all.
Mr. Specter.
Were you able to observe the direction of the barrel which you have described?
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