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Warren Commission Hearings: Vol. XV - Page 732« Previous | Next »

(Testimony of Prof. Revilo Pendleton Oliver)

Mr. Jenner.
May I call your attention to the footnote on page 27 which reads:

"I understand that full report on this and other known activities of Rubenstein will probably appear in a future issue of the Herald of Freedom, Box 333, Staten Island 1, N.Y." Do we have that?
Mr. Oliver.
That is the Herald of Freedom to which I have already referred
as being a publication edited by Mr. Frank Capell.
Mr. Jenner.
Do you happen to have this particular issue with you ?
Mr. Oliver.
I believe I do. Yes; the issue, of course, was still in the future at the time that I wrote--
Mr. Jenner.
You indicate that clearly in your article.
Mr. Oliver.
And consequently the report is not as full as I had perhaps anticipated.
Mr. Jenner.
I take it when you say the issue was in the future that the essential aspects of the issue had been communicated to you by Mr. Capell ?
Mr. Oliver.
That is right You will find the references to Rubenstein on, I believe, pages 2 and 3 rather than the first page, if I recall correctly.
Mr. Jenner.
All right. We will mark as Oliver Exhibit No. 6, an issue of the Herald of Freedom, volume 4, No. 12, January 17, 1964, and the reference, Dr. Oliver, that you have, would you locate that for the record, please?
(The document referred to was marked Oliver Exhibit No. 6 for identification.)
Mr. Oliver.
The reference to Rubenstein begins at the bottom of the second column on page 2, and runs into the first column on page 3, and then there are some addenda which are more or 1ess pertinent to the subject although they do not mention Rubenstein. I had anticipated a considerably fuller report of Rubenstein's activities.
Mr. Jenner.
Is the issue of the Herald of Freedom volume 4, No. 12, January 17, 1964, now marked Oliver Exhibit No. 6, one of the sources upon which you relied in preparing your article, and one of the sources upon which you have relied in taking your subsequent talks ?
Mr. Oliver.
No; the issue itself was not published until after I wrote the article. The information contained in it as communicated to me by Mr. Capell, with some additions, was the information on which I relied when I wrote that footnote, and paragraph to which it is appended.
Mr. Jenner.
You are a lecturer, are you not?
Mr. Oliver.
Mr. Jenner.
And you have you have journeyed about the country during which you have made lectures dealing with the subject matter of your article in American Opinion and such additional matters as have come to your attention since then?
Mr. Oliver.
Mr. Jenner.
In making and giving those lectures, have you relied on Oliver Exhibit No. 6 as one of your sources?
Mr. Oliver.
Mr. Jenner.
What other documents have you brought with you in addition to those you have produced or identified upon which you relied in preparing your article in American Opinion?
Mr. Oliver.
Oh, I have a miscellaneous collection of such things as I could find on short notice.
Mr. Jenner.
Why don't you relate them into the record.
Mr. Oliver.
We are still on the subject of the article?
Mr. Jenner.
Yes sir.
Mr. Oliver.
I have here a clipping from the Rocky Mountain News of this month noting that the CIA has been found giving money to the J. M. Kaplan fund. And many clippings like that. It would take I have photostats, for example, from reports of the Dies committee identifying Rubenstein one or more persons named Jacob or Jack Rubenstein, as active in Communist organizations. The most significant one, of course, is the one in which a Jack Rubenstein appears as an organizer in one of the Communist youth movements If this man has given his age correctly he would have been 19 at the time which would make him just right for a youth movement.
Mr. Jenner.
Are you associating the Jack Rubenstein mentioned in that
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