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Warren Commission Hearings: Vol. XV - Page 631« Previous | Next »

(Testimony of Lawrence V. Meyers)

Mr. Griffin.
There was the Dallas Cabana that you were staying at ?
Mr. Meyers.
Mr. Griffin.
Did you see any of Ruby's friends that day ?
Mr. Meyers.
Mr. Griffin.
Or talk to them?
Mr. Meyers.
Mr. Griffin.
Now, do you recall what you did on Saturday?
Mr. Meyers.
Well, gosh, I don't know. I know I watched television with all the business until my eyes bugged out of my head both Friday night and all day or most of the day Saturday. I couldn't have done anything of any consequence. There was no place to go.
Mr. Griffin.
Did you at any time drive down to Dealey Plaza or the site of the shooting?
Mr. Meyers.
That is possible, very possible. Highly possible.
Mr. Griffin.
Did there come a time on Saturday when you did talk to Jack Ruby?
Mr. Meyers.
Mr. Griffin.
Where were you at the time?
Mr. Meyers.
In bed.
Mr. Griffin.
What is your best recollection of what time this was ?
Mr. Meyers.
9 or 10 o'clock Saturday night.
Mr. Griffin.
How do you happen to fix that time?
Mr. Meyers.
Well, because I was undressed and going to bed and I wouldn't have gone to bed--I certainly wouldn't have gone to bed much later than that because there wouldn't have been anything for me to do or any place to go. It would have been a case of sitting in the room or driving around in the car which .I didn't want to do or sitting in the lobby reading a book which I didn't want to do. I was in the room in bed and I am again saying it was somewhere, 9, 10 o'clock that night, a few minutes either way, and it was highly possible. And the phone rang and it was Jack on the telephone.
Mr. Griffin.
When you talked with the FBI on December 3, you indicated at that time that the telephone call that you received came in at approximately 10:30 p.m. or at least this is what the FBI has reported you said.
Mr. Meyers.
It is possible, highly possible. I say 9, 10, give or take a little while. You see, you must understand one thing, Mr. Griffin, Friday after the assassination--I don't know how to word this so you won't think I am an idiot--was a reasonably exciting day, may I put it that way, because so much was happening, so much going on, so much tragedy and also in my opinion so much stupidity. However, this is my opinion. And Saturday was pretty much repetition of all this plus what was going on in Washington when they had brought the body back and I think there was, oh, I don't know, preparations for the funeral or various people on television but it was greatly repetition. And once the first shock of this tragedy had worn off, all .of this watching of television with the various commentators and the various different people inevitably saying the say thing, I suppose became rather boring. I was sick enough about it any way.
Mr. Griffin.
About how long did your telephone conversation with Ruby last Saturday night?
Mr. Meyers.
I would say in the neighborhood of 15 or 20 minutes.
Mr. Griffin.
Now, 15 or 20 minutes is a reasonably long telephone call.
Mr. Meyers.
It was a reasonably long conversation. I would say possibly 15 minutes.
Mr. Griffin.
Tell us what you remember of .that conversation, how it started and how it progressed.
Mr. Meyers.
Well, he called me and the first thing he said to me is what did I think of this terrible, terrible thing? So I said the usual banalities, what did I think about it, it was a horrible thing. So it was so sad that I though. t in this country, if you didn't like a man's politics you voted him out of office instead of killing him, and that in a nutty place I hope neither of you are from Dallas
Mr. Griffin.
Let me, if you know--are these things that you actually said to him or thoughts that you had later on?
Mr. Meyers.
I said to him, in a nutty place like Dallas any. thing can happen.
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