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Warren Commission Hearings: Vol. XV - Page 589« Previous | Next »

(Testimony of Thayer Waldo)

Mr. Waldo.
words--but it was something to this effect, "You're one of the boys, aren't you? Here's my card with both my clubs on it. Everybody around here knows me. Ask anybody who Jack Ruby is. As soon as you get a chance, I want all of you boys to come over to my place, the one downtown here is more convenient, and have a drink on me. I'll be seeing you." That's approximately it.
Mr. Hubert.
About what time was that?
Mr. Waldo.
Approximately 4 o'clock, I would say, again baSing it on my memory. I did not have a clock, I did not look at a watch or have a clock in vision at that moment.
Mr. Hubert.
It could have been as late as 5, you think ?
Mr. Waldo.
It could have been; yes. Time telescoped itself remarkably that day.
Mr. Hubert.
What leeway can you give on the 4 o'clock time the other way, that is, toward 3 p.m.?
Mr. Waldo.
Let me think about that a moment. It's very, very difficult to be even semi-exact about it at this distance. However, I would certainly have to say in all honesty that there could be half to three-quarters of an hour--I could be off either way.
Mr. Hubert.
Incidentally, I just noticed that on page 4 of the report to the FBI, the very last sentence on that page, the last line, that's Exhibit No. 1, there is also a reference to the night of November 23, and since you have changed it previously to the afternoon, I would say that that applies to that, too, doesn't it?
Mr. Waldo.
Yes, sir.
Mr. Hubert.
In other words, the last line on page 4 of Exhibit No. 1, where it says "night of November 23" should read "afternoon of November 23" where

it's there and the times would be as we have been discussing? Mr. WALDO. Exactly.
Mr. Hubert.
You did not see Ruby at any time prior to this occasion you have Just described?
Mr. Waldo.
Not to recall him; no.
Mr. Hubert.
And you are quite certain that the man who did hand you this card and the man you ultimately came to know as Jack Ruby were the same parson ?
Mr. Waldo.
To the very best of my belief and knowledge. At the time he handed me a card, he was wearing a hat, and when I saw him in the corridor on Sunday the 24th after his arrest he was not wearing a hat, but the man looked to be the same, and as I have stated, when he handed me the card, he identified himself verbally as Jack Ruby.
Mr. Hubert.
You don't have the card today?
Mr. Waldo.
No; unfortunately that seems to have been among several things that have disappeared.
Mr. Hubert.
As far as you know then you would say that Jack Ruby was at the police department approximately an hour or an hour and a haft on that afternoon--you can't tell whether it was more than that, but you would say it was not less?
Mr. Waldo.
Yes; that's true.
Mr. Hubert.
Now, can you tell us anything about the security arrangements or identification arrangements that were in effect throughout the whole period, that is, from the time of the President's assassination on forward--in the Jail, I'm talking about?
Mr. Waldo.
In the jail--no, I went directly, as is stated in this transcript, the report, I went directly from the Trade Mart to Dallas Police Headquarters an the afternoon of November 22 within a matter of 30 minutes after we had learned that the President was shot. In fact, I Was on the Stemmons Freeway passing the resort motel called "La Cabaria" at the moment that the car radio reported the President is dead.
When I arrived at Dallas Police Headquarters, I was the first reporter of any medium, so far as I know, certainly there was no other in evidence to reach the third floor. No one attempted to stop me or ask for any identification at that timeĀ°
Mr. Hubert.
Did you have any identification on your person?
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