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Warren Commission Hearings: Vol. XV - Page 534« Previous | Next »

(Testimony of )

Mr. Mccurdy.
a bad analogy--a state of a dormant volcano. He was very dormant, quiet--he looked like he was mulling over many things, which I'm sure he was and all of us were at that time.
Mr. Hubert.
Did he seem abnormally sad?
Mr. Mccurdy.
Well, more so than myself. Of course, I was very shook up
about this. He did seem more so than I felt like I would have expressed it.
Mr. Hubert.
How did he manifest it?
Mr. Mccurdy.
By being sullen, quiet, looking at the floor, glancing far away into space for no apparent reason. This is what I remember.
Mr. Hubert.
Did he make any statements that now in retrospect you can

classify as being related to his subsequent actions?
Mr. McCURDY None.
Mr. Hubert.
No threats?
Mr. Mccurdy.
Mr. Hubert.
Or comments such as "Somebody ought to do something about this"?
Mr. Mccurdy.
Well, he said he was doing something about it by closing down his club and missing his money. Now, this is something I just thought of looking back in retrospect, as you said. By him mentioning to me that he was closing down his club, apparently he was trying to give me a feeling that he was making a tremendous sacrifice, monetary sacrifice in order to hold up or support national pride of some kind of his own. Looking at it in the light of what he did on Sunday, I can see that apparently he wanted to draw some of
my attention to him and that he was making a tremendous sacrifice.
Mr. Hubert.
Did you have that impression then?
Mr. Mccurdy.
No; I didn't--I didn't. I must say that truthfully--it's only in retrospect. It wasn't that outstanding at that particular time.
Mr. Hubert.
I believe that's all, sir. Have you anything else that you wish to add?
Mr. Mccurdy.
Nothing else.
Mr. Hubert.
Now, I don't believe there has been any conversation between us that has not become a part of the record; is that correct? We have not discussed anything off the record?
Mr. Mccurdy.
Mr. Hubert.
And everything that has passed between us has become a part of this record ?
Mr. Mccurdy.
Other than our meeting at the door. We said nothing other than, "Hello, and glad to meet you."
Mr. Hubert.
All right; very good, and thank you very much.
Mr. Mccurdy.
All right; thank you.

John Wilkins Newnam

Testimony of John Wilkins Newnam

The testimony of John Wilkins Newnam was taken at 10:51 a.m. on June 26, 1964, in the office of the U.S. attorney, 301 Post Office Building, Bryan and Ervay Streets, Dallas, Tex., by Mr. Leon D. Hubert, Jr., assistant counsel of the President's Commission.
Mr. Hubert.
This is the deposition of Mr. John Newnam.
Mr. Newnam, my name is Leon Hubert. I am a member of the advisory staff of the general counsel of the President's Commission on the Assassination of President Kennedy. Under the provisions of Executive Order 11130 dated November 29, 1963, the joint resolution of Congress, No. 137, and the rules of procedure adopted by the Commission in conformance with that Executive order and that joint resolution, I have been authorized to take this sworn deposition from You. I state to you that the general nature of the Commission's inquiry is to ascertain, evaluate, and report upon the facts relative to the assassination of President Kennedy and the subsequent violent death of Lee
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