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Warren Commission Hearings: Vol. XV - Page 447« Previous | Next »

(Testimony of Kenneth Lawry Dowe)

Mr. Hansen.
Jack talked--as long as he lived, he never got away from the Yankee accent. Nothing personal.
Mr. Griffin.
I don't think the Yankees have an accent. It's the Southerners.
Mr. Hansen.
Well, you know what I mean. Jack was kind of a talker and he would be talking to you, and maybe he. would stop and wouldn't say anything for a couple of minutes, and then he would start off and run words, and it was hard to keep up like that. But he talked in a high pitched voice of which a lot of homosexuals also have that tone to their voice.
I think you will agree that you see a lot of people talk like that, but there is indications when you see people talk, and there is no doggone thing--he had that high pitched voice and if he got excited or nervous or something, then that would get worse, that pitch to his voice. He is the kind of fellow if, and of course, policemen are kind of hardhearted--a kid, when I see them hurt, it hurts me, too, but I can pick up a kid and it would hurt, but I wouldn't cry unless it was my kid. But Ruby was the emotional type of man, and I am satisfied, if he had to do it, I am satisfied he would cry over something like that.
Mr. Griffin.
Have you ever seen him cry?
Mr. Hansen.
I sure have.
Mr. Griffin.
When have you seen him cry?
Mr. Hansen.
I have seen him cry, and fight and cry, and fight and cry after. He would fight and cuss up a storm and cry. He is very emotional.
As long as the chips are down, he had to go, and then kind of break down. That is his reaction. I have seen that.
Mr. Griffin.
What would he be crying about?
Mr. Hansen.
Well, I don't know. I never have cried like that. I don't know why he would cry, unless I guess we are all emotional people. Some people control their emotions, and other people can't.
We have all got a breaking point. Some of us go longer than others, and I guess he is that kind that gives way and shows his emotions more than other people.
I can't recall offhand seeing a man that was as good a man as he was physically. But as far as emotional, he would go from one extreme.
Ruby is a little potbellied man. They say he has lost a lot of weight. Jack did calisthenics regularly. It was a religious thing with him. He did so many setups and so many pushups, and he will tell you about it. He did 125 pushups.
And I am satisfied, because when you get hold of him, he was a lot more man than his size would indicate, and I am satisfied he did breathing exercises, and he believed in that.
He used to get on me all the time and say, "You are getting too much belly. You got to get that off."
He had a lot of heart. I mean, that is my personal opinion. He had a lot of heart.
I think the old boy--this is just my personal opinion in knowing him--I think his background and the way he was raised and where he was raised, I don't think he had everything. Everybody was trying to kick him down, and he had to scratch hard for everything he got.
And like I said, he is for the underdog all the way. If he saw somebody that was down, he would reach down in his pocket and help. He is just that kind of man.
Also, I think Jack would like to have amounted to something. He would have liked to have been respected or looked up to. He would like to help his social status.
Mr. Griffin.
Did he ever say anything to you that indicated that?
Mr. Hansen.
Well, not directly, but in conversation with him, he could tell he would like to get up. He would like to be somebody. He was an ambitious man, and yet he was humble. He was humble.
He knew in his own mind that he didn't have the education to be where he would like to be, but still he wanted to be there. That is the impression I got from knowing him the short period of time I have known him.
Mr. Griffin.
I appreciate your telling us all that.
Mr. Hansen.
Well, that is just my personal opinion. That is the picture I got of Jack Ruby.
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