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(Testimony of Wanda Yvonne Helmick)
They kept everything to theirselves. The reason I didn't call anybody, I was afraid to get involved, really. And I didn't know that I could be of help to anybody.
Mrs. HELMICK. No one ever suggested anything; because I didn't believe that it was---I mean I figured that they would find it out sooner or later, and I didn't figure that it was anything that anybody was hiding. I mean, I wasn't hiding it. Mr. GRIFFIN. Do you know what significance that telephone conversation has? Mrs. HELMICK. I don't know that it has any bearing on the case at all. Mr. GRIFFIN. Why did you remember it then? Mrs. HELMICK. Because of the gun, and after Oswald had been shot the next day, I knew that it was bound to have something to do with it. Mr. GRIFFIN. What do you think it has to do with it? Mrs. HELMICK. I don't know. My own opinion has nothing to do with this, I don't think. Mr. GRIFFIN. You think the conversation about the gun didn't have anything to do with the shooting of Oswald? Is that what you are saying? Mrs. HELMICK. It was the same gun that they were talking about. Mr. GRIFFIN. How do you know that? Mrs. HELMICK. Because Ralph told us the next day that it was. Mr. GRIFFIN. What do you think that has to do with the shooting of Oswald? Mrs. HELMICK. I don't know that he told him that he was going to shoot Oswald or not, but I do know that he told him about the gun. Mr. GRIFFIN. You must certainly think that he might have been telling him that he was going to shoot Oswald? That is the reason he was talking about the gun? Mrs. HELMICK. I don't know what I thought. I mean, I didn't give it too much thought. I didn't give anything much thought about it then. I have thought a lot since. Mr. GRIFFIN. What have you thought about it since? Mrs. HELMICK. Well, in my own mind, I believe that he told Ralph Paul that he was going to shoot Oswald. But if he did, Ralph didn't tell none of us that he did. At least I don't think he did. I don't remember. Mr. GRIFFIN. Well, I certainly appreciate your coming here and helping us on this. Mrs. HELMICK. I have thought a lot on it, but I just can't remember. It's just been too long ago. If someone had suggested me calling the police or FBI or something right away, I would have. I mean I didn't have nothing to hide. I wasn't trying to hide from them, but I just never thought of it. It didn't even enter my mind, and I would have remembered a lot more then, I guess, if there was anything to remember. But it's just been too long ago. Mr. GRIFFIN. Well it's been very good of you to help us even at this point, and we are very grateful to you. I have no more questions, unless you can think of something else that you might want to add. Mrs. HELMICK. You want to keep this? Mr. GRIFFIN. Let me mark this. Mrs. HELMICK. I marked it all up. Mr. GRIFFIN. I am going to mark this diagram. Mrs. HELMICK. You want me to tell you what all this is? Mr. GRIFFIN. Well, let me mark the diagram. I thought we had an explanation of it, but I am going to mark the diagram that you have drawn "Wanda Helmick, Deposition July 24, 1964, Exhibit No. 1." Where are you a native of? Are you a native of Dallas? Mrs. HELMICK. No. Mr. GRIFFIN. Are you a native of Texas? Mrs. HELMICK. Yes. Mr. GRIFFIN. Whereabouts? Mrs. HELMICK. Commerce. Mr. GRIFFIN. I don't know where that is. Do you want to explain to us this diagram? Mrs. HELMICK. This little line here in zigzag--
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