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Warren Commission Hearings: Vol. XV - Page 345« Previous | Next »

(Testimony of Eva L. Grant)

Mrs. Grant.
"Leonard, you don't call me every day. Now don't tell me, 'How do you feel, Mrs. Grant?'"
"Fine. Do you know where Jack is at?"
And I said, "No."
Mr. Griffin.
Had Leonard tried to call Jack in the morning?
Mrs. Grant.
Now, don't ask me that. I want to tell you. I don't know what he tried to do.
Now, we talked about different things, and then he was almost gone, and hanging on, and he said, "Are you watching television, Mrs. Grant?"
And I said, "Yes."
I was watching, but I wasn't listening.
Mr. Griffin.
How soon did you learn that Oswald had been shot?
Mrs. Grant.
I want to tell you how many phone calls I got. This is one for the books. I am talking to him, and I finally said, "Now, listen, Leonard"--I figured he was trying to find Jack to get some money. I said, "Now, listen, Leonard, you know things have been pretty rough in the club, and you got $10 either last night or the night before."
And he said, "I don't want any money." And he said, "Are you all right?"
And I said, "Yes."
See, he probably--I never got to talk to Leonard. I wish he would come to see me. I don't know whether he knew of something or what, and he was hemming and hawing over the phone, I didn't get a chance to put the phone down a second, not a second. The phone rang and Andy said, "Mrs. Grant, this is Andy. Where is Jack? Is Jack with you?
And I said, "No. He is at home."
He said, "No, he is not at home."
I said, "Listen, you know when Jack takes a shower--ring him again."
And he said, "I rang four or five times.
" I said, "Hang up and call again."
And he said, "Mrs. Grant, I rang."
I said, "If he is in the bathroom, he isn't going to hear the phone." And we talked--I don't know if he knew. I mean, this I found out he knew.
I asked him about 2 weeks later, or a week later, and he knew about it.
Wait a minute, I am not through. The phone rang again, and I want to tell you, you may know I put on water for boiling--Madeline Blainey was on the phone.
By this time I got to the television. I only had to walk from there to a few feet. I had it on that wall, maybe 9 feet, and I turned it up, and this is what I heard, "John Logan, no Jack Luby."
I wanted to back in the kitchen with the phone, and I wasn't walking too much, and I turned it down.
Madeline is on the phone and says, "How do you feel?"
And I said, "Fine." I am talking to her, and I turned the damn thing down.
I saw--this is rerun---if it is, I don't know--I actually saw what the other people saw. This is my conversation with Madeline and why they never went to see her, I will never know.
I am watching it. "Don't forget," I said, you get the name, repeat the two names. But I turned it down, because it was too close to the phone.
I wasn't going to go out of the living room, and I wasn't going to eliminate one or the other. I wanted to be sure I know both things are going on.
I said, "How are you," and she said, "OK, who is there?"
And I said, "Who would be there."
I am wearing my mu-mu my daughter-in-law sent me for Christmas, and I wouldn't dare let anyone in. I am shooting my mouth off about Joe Johnson. I have a great admiration--he's a colored boy been with us 8 years. He told me, "We had a fight, not 130 fights, but a fight."
I said, "Madeline, I want to apologize for sort of neglecting you," because when I was in the hospital, Madeline and Joe came walking in the very same time to visit me in the hospital. Here both walking in. Madeline and I understand, but this is' the guy we want as a band leader to come back.
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