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Warren Commission Hearings: Vol. XV - Page 318« Previous | Next »

(Testimony of George William Fehrenbach)

Mr. Fehrenbach.
say, it does look very familiar or he looks familiar to the same Jack Rubenstein I know only he does look older here than when I remember him.
Mr. Griffin.
Other than that, is there any doubt that you might have that these two people might be different people?
Mr. Fehrenbach.
Well, this man, I can't see the body of him too well but he looks like he may be just a little heavier--of course, I can't tell by his height there but he does look like he might be a little heavier than the one I knew.
Mr. Griffin.
I am going to show you what I have marked for as George William Fehrenbach deposition July 22, 1964, Exhibit No. 5.
Take a look at that man in that picture and tell me to what extent does he look like the Jack Rubenstein that you knew?
Mr. Fehrenbach.
If this is Jack Rubenstein here he is much older now than when I knew him, much older.
Mr. Griffin.
The man here in this picture, does he look substantially different from the that you remember as Jack Rubenstein?
Mr. Fehrenbach.
Yes, he does. There is a vague familiarness about his face, but I can't--I wouldn't want to say definitely that was the same Jack Rubenstein I know unless he had changed considerably with the years.
Mr. Griffin.
I want to hand you what I have marked for identification as George William Fehrenbach deposition July 22, 1964, Exhibit No. 7. This is another photograph. Would you look at the man in that picture and tell me to what extent that man resembles the man that you recall as Jack Rubenstein?
Mr. Fehrenbach.
Well, it would be very hard to say because I never her the features, like I say, it does look similar to the Jack Rubenstein that I knew only he is much older than then plus the fact he has got a hat on. I never remember seeing him with a hat, but--and somewhat heavier, much heavier, in fact than what he used to be.
Mr. Griffin.
Mr. Fehrenbach.
But I don't know the certain way he is holding his mouth or is there some way that reminds me of the same one that I knew. He had a funny way of holding his mouth, kind of a--I don't know just exactly how you would call it--a prissy look about his mouth, and that .there picture there, the last one you showed me he is holding his mouth very nearly the way that he used to hold it.
Mr. Griffin.
Well, on the various occasions that you saw this man how much time would you say that you spent with him?
Mr. Fehrenbach.
The second time he came there when we had lunch, I would say I spent approximately 2 hours with him that day. We was at lunch. I remember this because I was somewhat afraid that Sam was going to give me a good bawling out for being late because we were over at the restaurant for about an hour and a half, and the first time I met him, I would say it could have been 2 hours because we was there in the office, that is when they were showing me all those tricks and things, and then the third time not over 15, 20 seconds.
Mr. Griffin.
So a total of maybe 4 hours altogether?
Mr. Fehrenbach.
Mr. Griffin.
And did you know on the occasions that you had seen Seymour Jasson about how many times would you say that you had been with him?
Mr. Fehrenbach.
With Seymour, I would say maybe 6 hours out of the 12 out of the many times he was there. We didn't spend too much time together. I think one reason why I remember the Jack Rubenstein, why this name sticks with me, and I think maybe I ought to explain this, when I worked for Sam I was young, 16, 17, and I was always given the understanding that I was a young fellow. Anybody my superior that I was to say "mister" to, I was never allowed to call anybody by the first name.
Jack Rubenstein was one of .them who treated me like I was somebody. He treated me very decent and when I said Mr. Rubenstein he informed me that his name was Jack and that is the way I was supposed to address him and he was the only one 0f all of them that I can remember who ever told me this. In other words, he treated me very, very nicely. And also I was quite impressed when he asked me to go to dinner with him.
Mr. Griffin.
This time that you went to dinner with him; what did you talk about?
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