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Warren Commission Hearings: Vol. XV - Page 259« Previous | Next »

(Testimony of Russell Lee Moore ( ) Knight)

Mr. Knight.
No, no; no mention was made of that.
Mr. Griffin.
What makes you think that he did mention this unfortunate advertisement in the Dallas Morning News?
Mr. Knight.
I might be mixed up on the time, but it might have been that night or it might have been that brief 15-, 20-second call that I had with him on Saturday night.
Mr. Griffin.
How did--your group up there I take it broke up, your session broke up, and you and Jack or some of the other people decided to leave how did that happen?
Mr. Knight.
Okay. Now, to me this is the most important part. Jack Ruby and I walked out of the station, actually not out but say out on the landing in front of the steps, still in the station but down the hall. I remember him saying like, "Russ, you are a pretty square guy. I want to give you something." So we, now again, either he had them in his pocket or he walked out to his car, but he had his car parked right at the steps of the station where it would be no problem to get this, a speech called Heroism from H. L. Hunt's Life Line. Now, may I read this to you?
Mr. Griffin.
Yes, you may.
Mr. Knight.
This time segment, I left about 2:15 to 2:30 after the newscast at 2. Ruby gave me a speech from Life Line called Heroism. To my knowledge he talked about radicals in Dallas at that time but he didn't mention any names. He said he looked like Paul Newman, good-looking guy. Gave me entire speech of Life Line. Here's something I didn't realize until just the last week or so. The speech he gave me of Life Line was the speech in its entirety, the speech, the body of the speech plus the commercials.
Mr. Griffin.
Why is that significant to you?
Mr. Knight.
Well, okay. I just realized the speech--the speech itseft is what I told the FBI. I didn't tell them about the entire body of the content. I didn't realize that. I just thought it was all together. The question in my mind, if you would write, and I'm supposing this from being in the broadcasting business, if you would write to a commercial broadcast house for the contents of a speech, which you could do, I doubt very seriously they would send you the entire thing plus the commercials and two pages of Hunt products, which was all included. It was strictly like it, and again this is my observation, like it had been taken from a stations' files that had Life Line. And what he had was not sent out by Life Line if he wrote in to order the speech. Why would they send the commercials and et cetera?
Mr. Griffin.
All right. Did you bring that copy with you?
Mr. Knight.
Now, again, in our moving to Detroit, we have looked and looked and turned our house upside down. That was something I wanted to keep. But I can't find it.
Mr. Griffin.
We ask you if you do come across it some time, we would very much like to see it. And, of course, all we would want to do is make a copy of it ourselves.
Mr. Knight.
You could get a copy of it yourself from the Hunt organization.
Mr. Griffin.
Perhaps we can't get the commercials. I would like to see the item you described. Are you under the impression that this is not the thing that would be sent out by Life Line?
Mr. Knight.
Yes. I wouldn't see why they would send the commercials out. Maybe they do, but again I don't know. And another point that hit my mind along ,these lines, maybe, where would he obtain such a copy of this? Who would give it to him?
Mr. Griffin.
Well, are you familiar with the Dallas State Fair? Did you attend the Dallas State Fair?
Mr. Knight.
Mr. Griffin.
Do you recall at the Dallas State Fair that H. L. Hunt had a booth?
Mr. Knight.
Mr. Griffin.
Did you see any of the literature that was distributed at that booth?
Mr. Knight.
No, no. The copy that he gave me of this was rather soiled, but
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